Forty-four years ago, next week, an adrift young man just short of his nineteenth birthday borrowed his friend’s car and drove to downtown Dallas, TX, to take a test to receive his third-class radiotelephone operator’s license. A couple of hours later, he left the Commerce building with permit number P3-10-39728, having gotten 38 out of 40 questions right on his first attempt. It was the best score I received on any test during my freshman year of college. That night, I played contemporary Christian music for the first time. I remember Chuck Girard and Second Chapter of Acts in that first shift because they were my favorites at the time. I still have the salmon-colored permit in my home office.
I took that test and got my permit to be a radio broadcaster, not because I necessarily wanted to be a broadcaster. I just knew working anywhere else would be better than cleaning toilets in the boys’ dorm. Now here I am forty-four years later. I’ve been involved with more than a dozen stations, some I built from scratch. I spent a dozen years teaching the things I have learned to the next generation of global communicators as a university professor. Now I find myself leading a globe-spanning online worship ministry.
Who’d have thought?
God knows the plans He has for you. My experience with Him has taught me they are almost always what I least expect. I wouldn’t change a thing about the last forty-four years. He is good. One of my favorite Old Testament scriptures is a prayer of Moses David collected into the Psalms, a prayer Moses obviously wrote late into his life. Psalm 90 says, “As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, or if due to strength, eighty years. Yet their pride is but labor and sorrow; for soon it is gone, and we fly away. So, teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” I think Moses was saying only those things we do with God will last. Seems like a good life philosophy to me.
My prayer for you today is that God will help us seek the heart of wisdom He wants to grow in each of us, His children. Our days are numbered. Our pride in our accomplishments is but labor and sorrow. Only the ones tied to Him will last.
Michael Agee, EdD
Executive Director
Only the counsel of God will last.
God works in many ways we cannot imagine. Always pray to be at the center of God’s will for your life because only one life it soon be gone, only what done for Christ will last.
“Only the accomplishments tied to Him will last.” Amen. Thank you for the encouraging words! May we all number our days and present a heart of wisdom to our Creator.
It is amazing how God works out things.