The king of the birds was looking in the mirror one day and was disappointed to see that his feathers were not as bright as they were once.
“I am getting old,” he said, “I think it will soon be time to choose a new king.”
He decided to announce that on a certain day, all the birds will gather and present themselves before him so that he would be able to choose from among them the most beautiful of all to be their next king.
The crow got wind of the king’s plans and began to fret. “There are so many beautiful birds in the kingdom and I am only a colorless crow. I don’t have a chance at becoming king.”
Suddenly, he had a terrific idea. He began to search through the woods and fields for colorful feathers fallen from the wings of his companions and stuck them in amongst his own.
When the appointed day arrived and all the birds had assembled before the king, the crow also made his appearance in his array of fine found feathers. When the aging king spotted the crow and all the beauty of his plumage, he immediately chose him to be king.
As the crow pranced down the aisle with pride to accept his crown, the birds began angrily plucking out their feathers from between his, leaving the crow nothing but an old black crow.
Too often, we try to “improve our worth” by adorning ourselves in “pretty” things. Fine clothes, cosmetics, jewelry, friends, money, power, fame among others, top the list.
But there is really only one way to improve our appearance. Putting our faith in the Lord and walking wholeheartedly with Him.
Despite what the world around us thinks, only He can improve our fallen condition and our search for happiness.
Those feathers we find aren’t going to fool anyone, especially our King. Let’s come to God as we are today and ask Him to adorn us with the treasures he desires, peace, patience, love, joy, and all the fruits of the Spirit.
Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. Revelation 16:15
–by George Whitten of Worthy Ministries