Somewhere right now the sun is rising. Somewhere right now the sun is setting. It is happening this very moment … somewhere.

Our ability to see the sun’s light does not affect its shining. It is always there, radiating energy, giving life, unchanging, and unwavering.

How we see the sun depends on our perspective–where on this planet we happen to be standing when we look up. On the dark side of the planet, we tend to think of the sun as not shining. This, of course, is incorrect. Its light never ceases. If physicists are right, it will continue for about five billion years.

What we think about the sun’s light then depends on our position and perception at the moment. I see this as much like our lives.

Somewhere right now people are living in comfort and ease. Somewhere right now people are living in difficulty and stress. Some are even at this very moment in despair of their lives. (We know one.)

Always, like the sun’s light, God is present, unchanging, unwavering, and undiminishing. He never ceases to be who He is–and He does not have a five billion-year expiration date. His love, power, grace, mercy, healing, promises, and all He is is present for that one we know whose next breath hangs in the balance this moment as well as for us and you.

Do my difficulties (or this one’s) prevent God from being who He is? No. Do my emotions affect God’s character, integrity, or promises? Not in the least. Even as I experience difficulty, God is who He is, unchanging forever.

My difficulties are what distort my view of God and prevent me from seeing Him as He is. We all succumb to this; no one is immune because we are emotional beings. What does this look like? See if this is familiar to you:

  • “God, why are you doing this to me?” (He’s not.)
  • “God, why did You allow this to happen to me?” (In most cases, it is us.)
  • “I can’t ask God for help because I failed.” (Though you did, you can.)
  • “These troubles will never end.” (They will.)

These are all distorted views. We all have things that cause us to either not see God at all or have a skewed perspective of Him, much like being on the dark side of Earth prevents us from seeing the sun’s light or blocks it altogether.

The LORD has stopped your punishment; he has removed all your enemies. The LORD, the king of Israel, is with you; there is no reason now to be afraid. (Zep 3:15 GNB)

Today’s Scripture passage speaks of a time when things change. God says through Zephaniah that Israel’s dark time is ending. He says that He is with them. When I think about my circumstances, I think, “That would be a good thing to hear God say to me.” My opening phrase above, “Today would be a good day …”, means that today would be a good day to hear that my difficulties are ending. “Today would be a good day …”, gives me hope. (You are welcome to borrow it in your life.)

I have made a conscious and intentional decision to believe that God is who He says He is and that I will see Him as unchanging regardless of what I feel. If I am on the dark side of something, I will have to wait until I come around to see the light again. In the meantime, trusting that God is always good, true, correct, perfect, just, right, and righteous is what gets me through the darkness. At times it is all I have to hold on to.

Of this, I am fixed in my belief to the point that I will defend it with my last breath. This gets me through. One day, I will see the light of the Son in all His radiant Glory rise in my life and circumstances. The shadows will be no more and I will see clearly for what I have been waiting.

And do you know what? Today would be a good day.

From ministry friend Randall Vaughn.
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