John D. Rockefeller was once asked, “How much money does it take to satisfy somebody?”
He famously answered, “Just a little more.”
That seems to be true, doesn’t it? No one is immune to greed.
A person can have much and be greedy, or a person can have little and be greedy.
Jesus says to beware of all forms of greed, because a person is not defined by his possessions or position in life.
Do you struggle with the love of money? Then let me offer you the cure:
That’s right. If you are struggling with greed, look for opportunities to be generous and give.
Proverbs 11:25 reminds us, “The generous soul will be made rich.”
Let me assure you, the true riches of God are far greater and much deeper than a dollar mark. They will make a difference for eternity!
by Dr. Ed Young of WinningWalk.org