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Thank You For Your Support Of AllWorship!
Today is Giving Tuesday, one of the biggest donations days of the year. It’s a day that is always so important for a Christian ministry like AllWorship.

We humbly ask you to consider AllWorship in your giving plans during this season. This will allow our ministry to continue broadcasting free Christian worship music throughout the world.

AllWorship is not funded by a foundation or donations from a large church. The money to keep broadcasting is sent in small increments from our listeners. Nearly 40% of our entire year's support typically comes in during the month of December.

AllWorship now operates on less than $3,100 per month. That's all it takes to give people throughout the world access to free Christian music 24 hours a day. All donations go directly to pay for streaming, programming costs, music fees and Internet fees that keep us on the air. AllWorship doesn't have any overhead or administrative costs. So, any gift helps this music get into the hearts of people in 190 countries and territories.  

A donation of $25, or any amount, makes such a difference to our ministry.

Everyone making a donation receives a free gift---the ability to listen to AllWorship on an even higher quality stream that is non-stop music with absolutely no interruptions. It's one way of thanking you for your investment in keeping the ministry going! Depending on your country, your donation may be tax deductible since AllWorship is a 501(c)3 corporation.

You can help reach people around the world right now. Make a secure donation here or mail a check:

9340 Helena Road
Suite F-121
Birmingham, AL 35244

Thank you and God Bless!
The AllWorship Team