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Our Instructions
God's Instructions

"Give thanks to the Lord. Call on His name. Make known among the nations what He has done." Psalm 105:1

This verse is very simple, yet it contains statements that can be very difficult to do.

1. Give thanks. Thank Him for Who He is, for what He has done for you, for His blessings, for the people in your life. Sometimes this can be difficult. No one knew better than Job how difficult life can be. But when his whole life was taken away from him, Job still worshipped. Another difficult thing to do is give thanks for an answer that is yet to be received. When you pray for something and God says that He is going to answer you, you are thankful. But when you go for months, or even years, without seeing the answer to the prayer, can you still thank Him? We should. That is the very essence of faith, and a very difficult thing to do. So we try to leave it at the Father's feet. The problem is, we take it back. Is that faith? Every one of us has something to be thankful for. So thank Him.

2. Call on Him. The Hebrew word for call means to call out to, to cry unto, and the Greek word means to call a person by name. So calling is more like crying out to Him...

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Support The AllWorship Ministry While You Christmas Shop
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AllWorship is able to broadcast Christian worship music because of the generous support of our listeners. Now there is a way for you to help fund our ministry and it won't cost you a dime! If you're an Amazon shopper, simply use Amazon Smile and AllWorship will receive 0.5% of everything you spend. Every time you shop on Amazon, just begin your shopping experience at and enter "AllWorship" (all one word) as your designated charity. It's that simple! We appreciate your support in this way.

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Christmas Music Now Available

You can once again listen to non-stop commercial-free Christmas music on from now through December 25th! And with our enhanced sound, you will enjoy wonderful Christmas songs from the leading contemporary Christian artists. Like all our music, it's free to listen from any computer, tablet or smartphone. Click here to listen.

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Letters From Our Listeners
Letters From Our Listeners

Some emails we have received from our listeners around the world…

Location: Makhachkala
Message: Hello from Dagestan, Russia! It's amazing that here, in the North Caucasus I can listen to the Christian radio! God knows how to sustain and encourage His children, for instance with the help of AllWorship radio. Your work brings joy! Be blessed in the Lord!

Location: Grenada
Message: I am listening to you from Grenada. I tune into your station almost every morning. Thank you for providing such a station, it really keep me going through the day. God bless your ministry

Location: Bolton, Lanashire, England.
Message: A born again Christian many years ago, I had backslid and been in the 'wilderness' for many years. 2 weeks ago god came face to face with me and has completely restored my life! I found your station while just trying to find 'anything' on the net to link me to Christianity. What a find! Your station is a complete inspiration and a real strength to me. I have yet to find a church, so you’re all my worship! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God Bless you all.

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