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Center Your Life On Him
Center Your Life On Him

Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. Psalms 37:3-5

This is one of my favorite passages of scripture.

What I've often noticed, however, is that we focus on receiving the desires of our heart.

But if we look closely at this passage we have to realize that delighting ourselves in the Lord comes first, centering in Him, delighting in Him as the source and the fulfillment of our desires, and then, also, receiving from Him after your life is centered on Him.

Trust in the Lord. Delight in the Lord. Commit your way to the Lord.

The center of the passage is Him.

Remember what Jesus said...

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Worship Music In Other Languages

AllWorship has been broadcasting Christian worship music in English and Spanish for over 14 years. But we want people who speak something different to be able to listen to music in their native language. We are excited to now provide links to Christian worship music in seven other languages: Arabic, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Korean and Portuguese. We hope you enjoy this new feature on AllWorship! Click here to listen.

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Letters From Our Listeners
Letters From Our Listeners

Some emails we have received from our listeners around the world….

Location: Pakistan
Comments: I want to personally thank you for your ministry. Presently I am volunteering in a remote village area of Pakistan, with school children. I have no local Christian support and no income to pay for music. I was searching online for worship music and it was all for a trial period, then I needed to pay. Since I am not earning an income this was a problem :). I believe God in His wonderful provision led me to your website and I am ever so grateful. Thank you again it means more to my daily walk with Christ than you will ever know.

Location: United States
Comments: I just had to spend 7 days in the hospital, because a sore on my leg got infected. I played AllWorship on my iPad, 24 hrs a day while I was in there. It ministered not only to me, but to the nurses and doctors. I had nurses coming to hang out and do their "charting" in my room so they could listen to the music. What a blessing AllWorship is. I believe the Lord could have healed my leg without the hospital visit, however, I believe He told me to go, I didn't know why until I was there for a couple days, then I understood. Thanks again for the ministry tool.

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Support The AllWorship Ministry While You Christmas Shop
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AllWorship is able to broadcast Christian worship music because of the generous support of our listeners. Now there is a way for you to help fund our ministry and it won't cost you a dime! If you're an Amazon shopper, simply use Amazon Smile and AllWorship will receive 0.5% of everything you spend. Every time you shop on Amazon, just begin your shopping experience at and enter "AllWorship" (all one word) as your designated charity. It's that simple! We appreciate your support in this way.

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