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Stop Looking Back
Stop Looking Back

Some time ago, I wrote a devotional about not worrying about tomorrow because tomorrow holds its own worries.

But it occurred to me recently, that just about as often as we worry for tomorrow, we fret about yesterday.

How many times do we find ourselves saying, "I wish things could be the way they were, I wish I was younger, I wish I could fit into those jeans again, I wish I didn't make that terrible mistake."

The Lord doesn't want us constantly looking back at what once was. Our enemy does---he wants us to feel discouraged and helpless and ruminate over and over on what we can never change.

Sure, if we need to repent or make something right, we ought to go ahead and do it.

But God doesn't want us drowning in self-pity or regret about past mistakes, or hopelessly longing for what can never be again...

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Broadcasting to the World for 14 Years!

We are so blessed to be able to broadcast Christian worship music around the world. We thank you for allowing us to do this as we celebrate our 14-year anniversary! Everyone connected with is very humbled to be part of this ministry. We realize this accomplishment has nothing to do with us. It has everything to do with God and His awesome power. We can see God’s hands guiding this ministry at every decision point, even before AllWorship began. Here is the story of how AllWorship came to be in 2004.

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Letters From Our Listeners
Letters From Our Listeners

Some emails we have received from our listeners around the world….

Location: Natal, South Africa
Message: I work at a sports club here and it is a very worldly environment. Golf and beer being the top priority. I can't begin to tell you what a privilege and blessing it is to be able to start up my computer in the morning and hear praise to our Lord the whole day long. It helps keep my focus on Jesus and not the world. It is also one of the ways I can show people who walk into my office (and there are many) that I belong to the King and He is my top priority.

Location: United States
Message: Thank you for the service you provide! It is a joy to listen to Christ-centered worship songs. My elderly mother recently moved in with our family and she is not a Christian. I listen to worship music a lot and I pray that as I listen to AllWorship that our God and Savior would open her eyes to the glory of Christ in the gospel and that she would respond with faith and repentance!

Location: Nairobi, Kenya
Message: I just want to commend AllWorship ministry for the wonderful work you are doing. Personally I have been greatly ministered to through the worship sessions. I always worship with you in my office as I listen to the uplifting songs and always sense a mighty presence of God. It is very true that you are touching millions of lives, mine included. May our wonderful God bless you as you continue to reach out to the whole world. I have introduced this ministry to my friends.

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New AllWorship App

We have made some substantial changes in our AllWorship app, including showing you the name of every song and artist while it's playing. The app is now available for a free download on any Apple or Android device. It will allow you to listen to any of our four worship streams.

If you've got an iPhone or iPad, the AllWorship app is available at the App Store. If you've got an Android device, our app can be downloaded at Google Play.

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