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A Good Word
A Good Word

A friend writes: "My father did some pretty nasty things to me. But at the end of his life, as I kneeled by his bedside, I told him how thankful I was for every good thing he had done and every way he had blessed me, and there were many. We were good friends when he passed away."

One of the greatest regrets you can avoid at the end of your life is the failure to praise others when they deserved it, and even when they didn't.

But why is it that affirming words are so pitifully rare in our conversations, especially when so many people are anxious, discouraged, and depressed by all the negativity in this life?

We're living in a world that's constantly knocking us down, from cradle to grave.

Is it any wonder that anxiety and depression are rampant at every age level?

But notice the advice that Solomon gives: a good word makes...

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Link To On Your Website!

If you have a website, your visitors can now listen to our Christian worship music directly on your site. We have developed an embedded music player for each of our four music streams with easy-to-install instructions. So with just one click, your visitors can instantly be connected to Click here for easy-to-follow instructions and install our music player in just a few minutes!

A Story from The Christian Heart

Our sister ministry, The Christian Heart, highlights what people do in their everyday life to show their love for Jesus. Our mission is to encourage Christians to put their faith into action. Here is one of our stories....


Sometimes God gives you stepping stones to build up courage to do something scary. For me, that began when God opened my eyes to the suffering in the world. But, I did not even know where to begin. Plus, it was scary to think about leaving everything I knew. However, when a friend asked me if I would regret not going abroad after God gave me this desire, I knew I would. God used this conversation as another stepping stone. Then, I took the next step and attended a job fair that very week. It was at this job fair where I learned about a job in Honduras. I did not have any specific country in mind. I merely prayed with my hands open – and God led me to Honduras to teach at a bilingual school. After I moved...

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Want More Encouraging Stories?

AllWorship has been publishing an inspiring story in our weekly emails for 17 years. You can see a collection of nearly 500 encouraging stories by going to the blog on our website.

We can all use some encouragement, especially during these turbulent times! So just click here to some a dose of inspiration!

We hope you enjoy the stories! And feel free to pass them on to your friends.

Thanks For Your Support
We want to express our sincere appreciation for the financial support we received from so many of you over the years. is a not-for-profit ministry, completely funded by our listeners, and your generosity has kept our Christian worship music on the air for over 17 years. People listen in over 190 countries and territories each day, with nearly half our traffic coming from people outside of the United States. You have made AllWorship a global ministry. We thank you for the financial blessings!