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Jesus, Our Friend
Jesus, Our Friend

When Jesus came into the world in human form, He changed our relationship with God forever. He made it possible for us to become adopted sons and daughters in God's family, co-heirs with Him to the gift of eternal life with the Father.

But He gave us another gift few of us ever open: His friendship.

He experienced firsthand the loneliness of being human, and He saw that as much as we need a savior, we also need a friend.

"I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you." John 15:15 (NIV)

What better friend could you have? Jesus is...

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New & Improved AllWorship App

We have made some substantial changes in our AllWorship app, including showing you the name of every song and artist while it's playing. The app is now available for a free download on any Apple or Android device. It will allow you to listen to any of our four worship streams.

If you've got an iPhone or iPad, the AllWorshipapp is available at the App Store. If you've got an Android device, our app can be downloaded at Google Play.

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Letters From Our Listeners
Letters From Our Listeners

Some emails we have received from our listeners around the world….

Location: Ulsan, South Korea
Message: Thank you so much for you ministry. I am sorry I am unable to send a financial gift at this time, but my prayers are with you daily. I serve as an bi-vocational English pastor here in Korea and often times have been uplifted by the music on the site. Peace, Love and Joy be Yours Always

Location: Singapore
Message: Hi! Thank you so much for streaming Christian music through the Internet. Now I get to listen to them even at work! Its just great!! Keep up the good work! Will definitely spread the good works of AllWorship to my friends! God Bless You Always!

Location: Naga City, Philippines
Comments: Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings in Jesus' name! I'm currently developing a website for a Christian school here in Naga City, Philippines. May I know whether you would allow us to link your website to our webpage so that our students could listen to Christian music. I understand you're doing music ministry across the globe for free. Thank you very much and I look forward to hearing from you.
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Thank You For Your Support Of AllWorship!
Thank You In Different Languages

We want to express our sincere appreciation for the financial support we receive from all of you. is a not-for-profit ministry, completely funded by our listeners, and your generosity has kept our Christian worship music on the air for over 14 years. People listen in over 190 countries and territories each day, with nearly half our traffic coming from people outside of the United States. You have made AllWorship a global ministry. We thank you for the financial blessings!

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