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A Servant's Heart
A Servant's Heart

We are called to be servants, are we not?

What does a servant do? A servant carries out the will of his master.

A servant doesn't tell his master what to do; he performs whatever tasks the master requests of him.

A servant doesn't choose what days or times it's most convenient to serve his master.

A servant's function is simply to follow and obey his master’s instructions.

A servant does not develop a vision for the master either. The master is the one with the vision and he wants his servants to be ready and available to carry out that vision and bring it to fruition.

How can we experience fulfillment in our lives? Simply by serving our Master: our Heavenly Father...

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Broadcasting to the World for 15 Years!

We are so blessed to be able to broadcast Christian worship music around the world. We thank you for allowing us to do this as we celebrate our 15-year anniversary! Everyone connected with is very humbled to be part of this ministry. We realize this accomplishment has nothing to do with us. It has everything to do with God and His awesome power. We can see God’s hands guiding this ministry at every decision point, even before AllWorship began. Here is the story of how AllWorship came to be in 2004.

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Letters From Our Listeners
Letters From Our Listeners

Some emails we have received from our listeners around the world….

Location: United States
Message: I am a reading specialist at a school and always have the instrumental music from your website playing in the background during class. I believe music helps tremendously with discipline and with creative thinking. My students appreciate the music too. Although it is a public school, playing just instrumental music doesn’t seem to offend anyone. Some of my students may not have the chance anywhere else to hear the great old hymns, but they do hear them in my classroom. Thank you for providing this wonderful music. Please keep my school and my students in your prayers.

Location: Australia
Comments: Comments: Hi from Perth! I just wanted to send you a message to thank you for your station and the lovely Christian music you play. I connect online in my office and have the music running while I am working on my computer or while I am reading. It is wonderful to set the tone of worship in our offices. Thank you so much.

Location: United States
Comments: Over the years I have listened faithfully to AllWorship. Your station got me through some serious spiritual low points especially when my ex-wife divorced me suddenly and the subsequent loneliness the divorce generated in my life. I would put the music on and lie on my bed and eventually go to sleep with music still playing. Many thanks and keep up your wonderful ministry which is truly a blessing to the entire Earth.

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Join Our Monthly Donor Team

Would you please prayerfully consider becoming part of the AllWorship Monthly Donor Team? A monthly gift of $10 will help us continue to broadcast our free Christian worship music to people in all corners of the world. And 40% of our listeners are located in countries outside of the United States. is completely funded by our listeners, and your generosity has made AllWorship a global ministry. Thank you for considering a monthly gift!

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