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Being Extreme
Being Extreme

Even though I am no longer in my 20's (or 40's for that matter!), I love to do things like zip-lining and parasailing.

While I might be somewhat adventurous, I am not into extreme sports. Some people enjoy the thrill of doing something that is death-defying or dangerous, like scaling Mt. Everest or mountain biking on the side of a cliff. They like the adventure, and the thrill or rush it gives.

Being a child of God can be the same way if you want it to be.

It can be boring if you never step out in faith or grow at all in your walk with Him---sitting on your pew week after week, doing "religion" by rote. It can also be unexciting if you get in a religious rut and stay involved in the same ministries, never asking if God wants you to...

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Support AllWorship If You Shop On Prime Day
amazon smile

AllWorship is able to broadcast Christian worship music because of the generous support of our listeners. Now there is a way for you to help fund our ministry and it won't cost you a dime! If you will be shopping on Amazon's Prime Day on July 16 (or any day, for that matter), simply use Amazon Smile and AllWorship will receive 0.5% of everything you spend. Every time you shop on Amazon, just begin your shopping experience at and enter "AllWorship" (all one word) as your designated charity. It's that simple! We appreciate your support in this way.

Letters From Our Listeners
Letters From Our Listeners

Some emails we have received from our listeners around the world….

Location: Kenya
Message: May God bless you for the inspiration ministry, since I subscribed to your website I have always been blessed. All message are true inspiration and an encouragement too. Don't get weary of the good work; for they that win souls for Christ shall shine like stars.

Location: Al Khobar Saudi Arabia
Message: In an environment where churches do not exist and Christians are desperate to get Word and fellowship, you are manna from heaven.

Location: East Africa
Message: Thank you Am enjoying your music. I am in East Africa in my office where I get inspired by the Music. Thank you for serving our Lord Jesus Christ.

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The AllWorship Ministry

We are so blessed to be able to broadcast Christian worship music around the world. We thank you for allowing us to do this for over 14 years! Everyone connected with AllWorship is very humbled to be part of this ministry. We realize this accomplishment has nothing to do with us. It has everything to do with God and His awesome power. We can see God’s hands guiding this ministry at every decision point, even before AllWorship began. Here is the story of how AllWorship came to be in 2004.

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