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Take Time To Thank Him
Thank Him

And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God And fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. Luke 17:15,16

In ancient times, lepers were social outcasts because of their highly contagious disease. In this passage, ten lepers came to Jesus begging for mercy and He graciously healed them.

These lepers had an awful disease. Their bodies were slowly deteriorating, and worse, they were shunned from their friends and family, forced to live in a community of only those who were also withering away.

Suddenly, merciful Jesus comes along and "poof" the sickness leaves them. How life changing!

These people must have been overjoyed. Now they could go back to their families, their homes, their communities and live normal lives.

But only one of them returned to thank the Lord.

But how often do we do the same?

We get so focused on our...

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Enjoy Commercial-Free Christmas Music!

You can once again listen to commercial-free Christmas music on from now through December 25th! And with our enhanced sound, you will enjoy wonderful Christmas songs from the leading contemporary Christian artists. Like all our music, it's free to listen from any computer, tablet or smartphone. Click here to listen.

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We Humbly Ask For Your Support Of AllWorship generates most of its annual funding through year-end donations. This allows the ministry to broadcast free Christian worship music to the world 24 hours a day, every day. All without commercials. We truly appreciate your support of AllWorship during this wonderful time of the year.

Letters From Our Listeners
Letters From Our Listeners

Some emails we have received from our listeners around the world….

Location: Iraq
Comments: Hi, I am in Iraq in the war zone and it is wonderful to hear great praise & worship music anytime there is an internet connection. Many nights I will lay in bed with my headphones on and fall asleep to your music. Thank you for this service to all of us. Blessings to you.

Location: Pretoria, South Africa
Message: I truly appreciate the work you do. Praise and Worship music in the background in my office keeps me inspired. I meditate more instead of focusing on the 'stressful' files on my table. May God bless all those who support you financially for they are the reason behind this inspiring radio. God bless you richly.

Location: Gaithersburg, MD
Message: Hello! I have been listening to your music all day long. This is the first time I have found your site. Thank you for the way you carefully choose the music that will be played on your site. My heart is refreshed to turn this on at work.

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Support AllWorship While You Christmas Shop
amazon smile

AllWorship is able to broadcast Christian worship music because of the generous support of our listeners. Now there is a way for you to help fund our ministry and it won't cost you a dime! If you're an Amazon shopper, simply use Amazon Smile and AllWorship will receive 0.5% of everything you spend. Every time you shop on Amazon, just begin your shopping experience at and enter "AllWorship" (all one word) as your designated charity. It's that simple! We appreciate your support in this way.

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