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Where Is Your Focus?
Where Is Your Focus?

In the 1970s when the Alaskan Pipeline was being constructed, many Texans went to Alaska to work on the pipeline alongside the Eskimos.

However, Texans could only work a few hours in the frigid weather, while the Eskimos could easily work for hours on end.

Some scientists decided to do a study to find out why the Eskimos could withstand the weather, while the Texans struggled.

The study concluded there were no physiological differences between the Eskimos and the Texans. Then the scientists conducted a psychological study and discovered the difference.

The Eskimos experienced the cold, but clearly understood that a job needed to be done. With that mindset, they focused intently on obtaining results rather than how the weather was affecting them.

The Texans, on the other hand, were so focused on the cold weather, it became their overriding experience of the situation, monopolizing their attention and energy, and crippling their capacity to work.

When the Apostle Paul penned Philippians 4:8, exhorting us to meditate on those things which are good, he was in prison. Yet he clearly had been training himself not to focus on his external circumstances, but on...

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The AllWorship Ministry
Retro microphone in the old studio

We are so blessed to be able to broadcast Christian worship music around the world. We thank you for allowing us to do this for over 14 years! Everyone connected with AllWorship is very humbled to be part of this ministry. We realize this accomplishment has nothing to do with us. It has everything to do with God and His awesome power. We can see God’s hands guiding this ministry at every decision point, even before AllWorship began. Here is the story of how AllWorship came to be in 2004.

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Letters From Our Listeners
Letters From Our Listeners

Some emails we have received from our listeners around the world….

Location: Washington
Comments: Your worship music is such a blessing! Thank you for your dedication/ministry that lifts people hearts to Jesus 24/7. Donating to this ministry is in a very small way helping to uplift and encourage people in so many countries and walks of life. May God richly bless you and all who are involved in glorifying God through this ministry.

Location: Monrovia, Liberia
Comments: I listen here where the gospel is hard to find. I enjoy the gospel in your music. Thanks to all!

Location: Unknown
Comments: I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your channel. I am a Certified Nursing Assistant. I work nights, and I play your channel all night. Thank you.

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Higher Quality Sound On AllWorship!

We have made some significant changes in our sound quality. All four streams went through a major enhancement and the worship music sounds better than ever! Please, check out the new sound on any of our four streams: Praise & Worship, Contemporary, Instrumental and Spanish. We think you'll be pleased. And we welcome your feedback!

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