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Just Keep Walking
Just Keep Walking

Many of us wear smart watches or Fitbits or some sort of device that measures the number of steps we take each day.

It takes approximately 2,000 steps to walk a mile, and we know that increasing the number of steps we take moves us toward better overall health.

God has created us with the ability and the capacity to walk with Him and to know Him. And Scripture tells us that the favor of God comes to those who walk with Him.

So, while walking is good for us, it is important that we walk with God.

We do this by presenting our bodies to Him as “living sacrifices.”

Then, we ask God to fill us with His Spirit.

And, finally, we...

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Link To On Your Website!

If you have a website, your visitors can now listen to our Christian worship music directly on your site. We have developed an embedded music player for each of our four music streams with easy-to-install instructions. So with just one click, your visitors can instantly be connected to Click here for easy-to-follow instructions and install our music player in just a few minutes!

Want More Encouraging Stories?

AllWorship has been publishing an inspiring story in our weekly emails for 17 years. You can see a collection of nearly 500 encouraging stories by going to the blog on our website.

We can all use some encouragement, especially during these turbulent times! So just click here to some a dose of inspiration!

We hope you enjoy the stories! And feel free to pass them on to your friends.

A Story from The Christian Heart

Our sister ministry, The Christian Heart, highlights what people do in their everyday life to show their love for Jesus. Our mission is to encourage Christians to put their faith into action. Here is one of our stories....


When I lost my husband, I found that I didn't really know any other widows. I had written a book about my husband's battle with cancer but now that it was over, I had a battle of my own to fight. While I had some support, nobody could truly understand my particular type of pain. Once my grief lessened a little, I started to meet other women who were widowed, and remembering how it had felt for me, I started calling them. I spoke with them, prayed for them and invited them out for coffee. Part of what makes losing your spouse so difficult is that you frequently lose the fellowship you used to have as part of your husband's social circle. And then you...

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Thanks For Your Support
We want to express our sincere appreciation for the financial support we received from so many of you over the years. is a not-for-profit ministry, completely funded by our listeners, and your generosity has kept our Christian worship music on the air for over 17 years. People listen in over 190 countries and territories each day, with nearly half our traffic coming from people outside of the United States. You have made AllWorship a global ministry. We thank you for the financial blessings!