Surely, God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. Isaiah12:2.
Isaiah said God was surely his salvation. He knew he was nothing without God’s help. He knew his salvation was nothing he worked for or could acquire. It was from God. And because God was his salvation, he could trust and not be afraid. But it was a matter of will. I will trust. I choose to trust. I choose not to be afraid.
God doesn’t automatically make us strong, faithful followers when we become believers in Him. If He did, we would miss the process and learn nothing. It is a process of learning to trust, learning not to be afraid, to make Him your strength and your song.
Isaiah confirmed God’s salvation in his life before continuing the thought. He wanted to emphasize where his strength came from – the Lord, so he said it twice. He didn’t trust his own intellect, strength, wisdom or the fact that he was around the kings of the day. His strength did not come from within himself and not from the people around him. It came from God.
God was not only his strength but his song. He was the music in Isaiah’s life. The joy, the peace, the One he praised. Because his salvation was in God, he knew he could trust and not be afraid, and because the Lord was his strength and his song, he knew God was his salvation.
Is God your strength and your song? Is He your source of energy, peace, strength, hope, and joy? Do you trust Him? Is He the music of your life?
Take a moment to contemplate who God is in your life. Not on a weekly basis when you go to church, but on a day-to-day basis. Then, ask Him to help you in those areas where you are weak.
From AllWorship friend Pam Rehbein
thanks , this is a great teaching to me this morning.