Moses had brought the whole nation of Israel, approximately 600,000, to a dead end in the desert. The only thing between Israel and Pharaoh’s pursuing army was the Red Sea. This was after ten plagues God had inflicted on Pharaoh to motivate him to free the Israelites. Finally, Pharaoh had freed Moses and the people, and they left Egypt. They thought they were home free. “Freedom at last,” they said.
But God did a strange thing. He directed Moses to take a route that led to the Red Sea, instead of the northern route around the Red Sea. God explained that He didn’t want them fighting the enemies they would have encountered on this route. But still, there was the issue of the Red Sea.
They finally arrived at the Red Sea, and the people were wondering where they would go from there. News hit the camp: Pharaoh had changed his mind. He was coming after them with his army. Panic set in.
God sometimes brings each of us to a “Red Sea” in our life. It may be a work problem that can’t be solved. It may be a marriage that seems to be failing. It may be a debilitating disease. Whatever your Red Sea, God tells us one thing: “Keep moving.” The Red Sea was before them, yet God was angered at Moses and told him to “Keep moving.”
“But Lord, the Red Sea is before me.”
“Keep moving.”
When we live by sight, we act on what we see. God sets this stage in dramatic fashion. God is into the dramatic. There is no way out without God here. That is just the way He wants it. No one will get glory except God.
A friend once admonished me when I was in the midst of an extremely difficult time in my life, “You must not withdraw from being proactive in your faith just because of this trial that you are in. God’s hand is on your life. There are too many who are depending on you to fulfill the purposes God has in your life. Keep moving! Keep investing yourself in others.”
I didn’t feel like it. I was in too much pain. But I did it anyway.
God met me at the point of my greatest need once I decided simply to be obedient. Getting past myself by investing myself in others helped heal the pain.
There is great healing when we look past our own problems and seek to invest ourselves in others for the sake of Christ. This is when our own Red Seas become parted. We begin to walk to freedom.
But we will never experience the miracle of the Red Sea in our lives if we don’t first “Keep moving.”
by Os Hillman
thanks for share
Thanks for this message. I have Red Sea in front of me. Right now I do not know how i am going to complete my education (MBA) and feed my family. Unless the Lord acts. But one thing is true. Glory belongs to God
Hi Jessica,
As you have tune to God, you will soon testify His faithfulness. Remember, trials brings testimonies. Have faith in God and it shall be well with you. Please read this verse of the scripture and pray in line with it Philippians 1:6.
Thank so much for your beautiful sermon. I truly appreciate the work you are doing. Blessings. Your eternal bro, Joseph
WOW needed every bit of this encouragment today….thanks you so much for it as I miss Dustin so much….but you are all right and all said something in your reply that God has spoken to me….so confermation is encouraging!! Thanks again for your prayers….my husband is a BIG believer he is just allowing the Devil to blind him and from the TRUTH and all God has promised….years back we served as youth pastors and GOd blessed it and taught both Dustin & I so much about us and our future working togetehr AS ONE side by side…but he IS RUNNING…he lost his job in August and in the 10 yrs of marriage we have had we have had to start over in our finances…I am not a man so I don’t understand alot of the lies the devil is placing in his heart and mind..fear of failure…fear of not worthy of me and my love…that is Just to name a few! So please join me in Prayer BY NAME for Dustin and our family…I am STILL FULL FASTING AND BELIEVING GOD FOR HUGE BREAK THROUGH OVER THE NEXT 30 days….he is hanging with alot of negitive people and is allowing his family to help and support his decition in divorice…BUT OUR GOD IS GREATER OUR GOD IS STRONGER OUR GOD IS HIGHER THEN ANY OTHER…HE TAKES THE IMPOSSIBLE TO THE POSSIBLE!!
Thanks againg and please continue to lift us up in prayer!! Blessings!! 
Nothing is impossible with God. Just take a look at the Red Sea and all your prayers are answered. You are doing the right thing to pray for your family because the devil is a liar, he has been beaten many times and he will continue to be beaten. Just have faith my Dear. Stay blessed and in God’s Grace. Amen!!!!!!
Dear Jessica,
God who brought you both together will keep you together till He takes you both. The children need you both and God knows it. Jesus will wipe away your tears. Have faith. The Read sea is before but your faith will walk you through…
God bless
Cynthia John
Hi Jessica,
The word of God says “Whosoever believes in Him (Jesus Christ) will not be disappointed”. We stand with you in this challenge and believe God for restoration. Matthew 18:19 “if two of you agree on anything——– it shall be done”. Rejoice in the finished work of the cross. Victory is guaranteed in Christ Jesus. You will testify of God’ awesome power in Jesus name. Please, Keep moving. Shalom. Cynthia
We are praying for you, Jessica. No matter what happens, always know that you are greatly loved and cherished by the One who truly matters. May The Lord restore all you have lost and bless you beyond belief.
I am a businessman and was baptized in 1996. I have been faithful paying tithes and sowing to the ministry of God around the world by a few hundred thousand dollars. I kept the receipts of my tithes for personal tax declarations. I have helped many poor Christians in my church financially and I have never turned down anyone.
Before knowing Jesus, I lived a sinful life. I was in prison from 2007 to 2010. Everyone in my church prayed for me and gave encouragement to my family back then. My pastor and a few members visited me in prison a few times. I was very touched. Today, when I asked for financial help, no one responded. Most sadly to say, none even offered me a prayer!
My business took a turn and I lost every good customer to my brother-in-law who left my company while I was still serving time. He is now a wealthy man, turning away from God and enjoying life with his family drinking expensive liquors, travelling around the world and buying expensive cars and branded items. I have told him to come back to Jesus but he just smile.
I am now a bankrupt and I couldn’t afford to support my family anymore. I had sold everything. Why it has to happen to me? I don’t mind if the burden befall onto me but why my wife and children have to suffer as well?
I have left for another church and keep away from all activities. I am still tithing though I am in financial needs. Please pray for me and remind God to remember me.
Hi Jessica
Stand on God’s promises and He will deliver you. He has promised a great future for you.your husband and your children. Believe and stand on Jeremiah 29:11. Declare the victory that is already coming and testify God’s faithfulness in all areas of your life. Habakkuk2:3 Wait for the appointed time for it is surely coming. In Jesus Name.
Hi Jessica,
will be praying for your family. Remember, WHEN ALL HOPES SHATTER, GOD IS ABLE.The God that raised Jesus to life will also be able to raise your marriage to life. Keep your integrity of faith in Him always and trust in His Sovereignty
Hi Jessica:
no believer wants to go thru a divorce when it was thought this is the person God has matched me with; but when we voiced our faith, trials will follow to challenge it and to grow in us, to reach out.
You know the words and the speeches, probaly preached to others before, but now is your turn to stand still and know that God is in control. Peace be with you and even you will weep in the night, in the morning your mouth will be full of laughter.
I needed this today….I am being faced with a divorice that I dont have ANY peace about….I know that God doesnt break marriages the enemy breaks marriages…I am trying to stand in the gap for my family…I am battling moving on…not moving on as in just getting a divorice but morning on into what God is setting in motion for my marriage and our 4 kids and our future minisrtry. I don’t believe God is finished with my marriage yet…thelove I have for Dustin is CRAZY Jesus is teaching me another way to love him like Jesus loves him every day….Dustin and I are not talking per his request at this time….My family misses him…I long to be along side him serving Jesus…my husband is a BIG beliver but he is allowing the devil to get at every area of his heart and mind right now and is running from his future as my husband and the father our our 4 kids….please be praying for us BY NAME….as the lord has placed me on a 30 day fast and I believe that Dustin will be moved and God will have our GREATEST COMEBACK yet right around the corner….please be praying for my strength and for Dustin’s heart and mind that God will show him all he has instore for our marriage and family and future ministry…thanks so much for all the prayer…please add us to every prayer list you can our name are Dustin & Jessica Perrin of Texas and our 4 kids are Nathan, Daniel, Sarah-Faith & Gabby…I am believing in HUGE GOD MOVEMENT and as in this devo my RED SEA MOMENT IS COMING…STANDING ON THE TRUTH!! Thanks so much have a blessed day!!
Thanks for sharing. Will be praying for your family. Remember, when hope shatters, God is able.
Hi Jessica,
I am praying for you. I know the pain of this as my husband and I almost got divorced two years ago and it was a scary time (we have two kids), and I told my husband that God hates divorce – not just dislikes it, so encourgaed him to read what the bible says about marriage and divorce before he make up his mind. He did his research, and being Christian, thankfully in the end we did not divorce and God called him to be obedient and staying with us. Praise the Lord, for He is Good! I know that He will work in your lives too, just keep praying and crying out to God. *virtual hugs*