“Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Galatians 6:7
When I read that scripture, I get very excited about giving. I mean uncontainable excitement and guess what, I am not even thinking about financial giving.
It seems sometimes we get stuck there—believing the only way we can give is with money. This means if we don’t have any money, we may feel that we have nothing to give.
However, there are so many other ways to give. Matter of fact, giving should be a part of your lifestyle. It should be something that you do so freely and regularly that it’s just a natural part of who you are.
So you ask, “How can I give something other than money?”
You can give of your time by serving in a ministry within the four walls of your church or even volunteering with an organization in your community.
Going even further than that, make sure you are giving your time to your family. Don’t always give the best of you to everyone else and only give your family your leftovers.
You can give of your heart and compassion to those that may simply need someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on or someone to pray with them.
Sometimes giving of your heart may be sharing an encouraging word or even a simple hug or hello to a stranger.
Of course, you can also give of your money–in addition to your regular tithes and offering–you can give to some of the special projects your church may be working on. You can give to that youth trying to save money to go study abroad. You can give to that family down the street that may be struggling due to someone being laid off. You can give to your local homeless shelter or children’s hospital.
Needless to say, daily we are presented with opportunities to give. Let’s all make an effort to give something of ourselves daily until it becomes a lifestyle.
I guarantee you will find out what it means to be blessed to be a blessing!
by Tanya James
thank u brother, for this message i have learnt hw to give, the Bible says, when u give let the left not know what the right hand have given, may GOD BLESS U SO MUCH
I am blessed with this message and I. Pray that my beloved Holy Spirit will help me make giving my lifestyle in Jesus precious name..Amen
What a blessed confirmation. ….just sunday my church members were being encouraged to give .. help… thank you….and i thank GOD for the spirit of giving as i and we all alliw the HOLY SPIRIT to work on our hearts…..its a wonderful blessing to give ….than to receive. …
may GOD cocontinue to bless you abundantly!