Some encouraging letters we received in June from our listeners around the world:
Location: Africa
Comments: Keep it up guys, your radio station is the best, always brings me close to the Almighty. I am afraid I will get fired at work because I am always tuned in! Thank you for the best channel.
Location: United States
Comments: I am a reading specialist at a school and always have the instrumental music from your website playing in the background during class. I believe music helps tremendously with discipline and with creative thinking. My students appreciate the music too. Although it is a public school, playing just instrumental music doesn’t seem to offend anyone. Some of my students may not have the chance anywhere else to hear the great old hymns, but they do hear them in my classroom. Thank you for providing this wonderful music. Please keep my school and my students in your prayers.
Location: Unknown
Comments: It is a privilege to be a part of the supporters who believe in the important ministry of allworship.com. Thank you for bringing worship music into my home daily.
Location: Hyderabad, India
Comments: Allworship.com site is really wonderful. I personally feel it’s a blessing to my life. It’s been more than a year I have been searching for a site where I could hear the worship songs and finally found it on Allworship.com.
Location: Unknown
Comments: I just found your web site today, actually searching for a praise and worship satellite service for radio stations. I had not been able to locate praise and worship music that only sang about Christ. Most radio stations that play Gospel music leave God out for the most part and replace it with self. Thank you for providing it.