Know deep in your spirit, I will always love you and will never forsake you.
You are “my child.” I will always love you, protect you, and give you strength.
I am always with you. Feel my touch as I wipe your tears. Feel my arms holding you and carrying you. Come to me with all your fears, anger, questions. I am always here for you.
I love you so much. Look at the cross and see the depth of my love.
My child, when you hurt, I cry with you. I am never unaffected by the pain my most precious child feels.
Remember the day is in my care. Come to me and I will show you the way. You may not understand, but understand this–I am not here to hurt you but to give you life more abundantly.
When you are walking in the valleys, know that I, Christ, and the Holy Spirit are surrounding you.
I will never leave you.
I will never forsake you.
I will never abandon you.
I will always love you.
I will always want you.
You can always trust my ways are for your eternal life. My longing and work is for you to be in my kingdom.
We have and will always have a deep personal relationship that delights me in your deepening intimacy with me.
Do not be afraid of me. Let me love you. I have seen all and I know you more that you do.
Let me show you what a beautiful child I envisioned before the creation of time and will help you become.
Come to your Dad. My arms are always open, my child.
I do and have always loved you.
Eternal, Unconditional Love,
by Mary Kocak
thanks be to God almighty father who created us and loved us with all his heart and His grace and mercy is great on us and He will never forsake us so I do encourage everyone to have trust in Him and do not forget to adore, worship, praise Him because he is the Lord your God.
When I opened this letter it was though God really mailed it to me . I sent to all my Facebook friend to encourage. Gayle
Amazing and profound reassurance!
Thanks for this beautiful reminder that I am a child of the most high God
That is so beautiful and thank you for enriching my thoughts. Lately, I am just amazing around this ….that Jesus Christ in the Lord’s prayer teaches us to refer to God as our Father. Of all the other things that God is (Creator of the entire universe, Protector, Most faithful, Merciful, all powerful God… etc), Jesus Christ chose to have us talk to God as our Father, He is our daddy. There are those earthly daddies who have failed their children but Jesus Christ is pointing us to a Father who will always love us unconditionally – whenever-whatever His love remains. He cares. Thank you so much for sharing.
Beautiful message! God is faithful!
Taking anything,to a God that Knows, ,All about you, yet, Loves,you,is still Amazing,to me!!!,and I Praise Him,Our Father,of Unfailing Love!!!,,knowing that, we loved Him,because He first Loved us..,Thank You,,Lord God!!,,,I like the song-Love was when,,It really,says it all,,for me.,Because of His Great Love,and Grace-Bonnie,PTL,,
thanks be to God almighty father who created us and loved us with all his heart and His grace and mercy is great on us and He will never forsake us so I do encourage everyone to have trust in Him and do not forget to adore, worship, praise Him because he is the Lord your God.
Mary thanks for your encouraging words may He the almighty father bless you Abundantly.
I feel refreshed after reading the massage, thanks for the encouragement. GBU
I am afraid that I don’t have the gift of the Holy spirit. I’m afraid I’m too bad. Please help.
Dear carla Reichard,
Hi Dear, I just wanted you to know that this God is soo loving beyond our sins. Do not be afraid, do not doubt, see how lovely that letter is? That His only business is to see us in His kingdom? why would you call yourself bad when He calls you beautiful, blessed Child of His? in John 8:1-11, the sinful woman, Jesus told her to “Go and sin no more”! so the moment your conscience tells you that you are not in line with what God wants, just tell Him all, and say sorry, then start a new point of purity and living according to His will. His will, the bible is His guide for us, so read and you will find the way to Him. I am praying for you dear, we will meet in heaven because i believe that the holy spirit has already began a work in you. Sit back and see this love unfold. pls email me, [email protected]
I can hear how much you are hurting.
You’re fears are lies of the devil and they are accomplishing his purpose – to hurt you and keep you in fear; to limit your faith and trust in GOD. If you have accepted JESUS as your LORD and Savior then you have also received the Holy Spirit, for they come as a “package deal”, if I may.
Are you familiar with Romans 10:17? Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the WORD of GOD. I encourage you to begin confessing what the WORD says about you, to build your faith. I would also like to refer you to a ministry that has been extremely helpful to me. I have been a Christian for a long time, but I have grown so much since I discovered the teachings from this ministry about 3 years ago. http://www.garycarpenter.org I would encourage you to start with “Be a Doer of the Word” and “Believer’s Boot Camp”. From the homepage, select MEDIA, then select CHRISTIAN FOUNDATIONS. These are the first 2 series found there.
Carla, I will be praying for you. You have done nothing so bad that GOD can’t forgive you, even if you are a repeat offender. GOD’s Love for you never fails and HE keeps no record of wrongs when you come to HIM and ask HIM to cleanse you with the precious Blood of HIS Son. Your life begins anew at that moment, every time. HE remembers your sin no more, so even if you are a repeat offender, in HIS eyes it is your first offense, every time! That kind of Love is more than we can comprehend. Carla, do you have children or someone in your life that you love? Would you/could you ever stop loving them because of something they have done? GOD will never stop loving you. HE loved you before you accepted HIM, before you loved HIM.
I hope this encourages you. We may never meet upon this earth, in this lifetime, but I will be looking for you in eternity!
Praying that GOD will give you eyes to see the length and breadth, the height and depth of HIS Love for you. If you were the only person on the planet, the only one in need of a Savior, Carla, GOD would still have asked HIS Son to give HIS Life for you, and JESUS would have gladly done so.
Your sister in the LORD,
This couldn’t of come at a better time. I have so much that I’m dealing with, but when I read messages like this, it comforts me, & helps me to know that I’m not alone. So often in this world it’s easy to feel alone. But Our Father has given us a promise. That He will never leave us, nor forsake us. So, if your reading this message. Please be encouraged, & hold on to His unchanging hand. God bless you!
When I read this tears came to my eyes It felt as though he was sitting right next to me. There is nothing like that feeling when you feel alone. Thanks be to God the supernatual being our Father! Gayle
Hi…I have stumbled a lot and still stumbling. I seem to only get serious with God when Im seeking his help.
My major flaws are sins of the flesh – I am Lewd. I hate to admit it but I am. Please how can I change and have a deeper relationship with God my father. I have even slept with another mans wife- it is disgraceful! Please help! I want to change but my body is weak to the commitment .
Hello Christopher,
I can relate with your struggle, as I think most men could; however, through prayer and avoiding temptation in the first place you should be able to get out of this destructive pattern. It won’t be easy and chances are it won’t go away 100%, but the key is to avoid situations were you may fall. I have found it useful to control what I watch and read as well, as entertainment plays a big part in making your mind apt for evil thoughts. Jesus said that it is not what comes into the body what defiles a man, but what comes out of the heart; however, I would say that even if evil thoughts and lewdness are seeds that grow out of our hearts, the environment and the things that come into the mind will strengthen those seeds, so avoid anything that makes you excited. I also recommend to get Dr. David Jeremiah’s CD study on spiritual warfare to listen in your car while you drive to help you deal with this as well (it has been a blessing to me). Also pray that God through His Son Jesus Christ, help you find a good wife, as I think that being able to share that intimacy with her will relieve a great portion of the desires of the flesh in the way that God intended. I know my wife is my greatest blessing in dealing with any desires that are supposed to be a gift within the bonds of marriage, and they are!.
I hope God Almighty and His Son Jesus Christ are with you in your journey and give you strength through the changes that must take place in your life.
God bless,
How I long dear Lord to go home, to see my kids and my grandkids. To be able to go to church and worship you, I miss it so much. In Australia I can get the help I need, please dear Jesus let me go home.
I love You and trust You in the midst of the storm.
With love dear Jesus I say goodnight. Ammy
This is great.Everyone should send this letter to someone that is hurting
I pray that everyone who reads this will open their hearts and receive Gods precious Love.There is no other love that is greater! Thank You for allowing me to be Your daughter.I love You Father.