Many of us wear smart watches or Fitbits or some sort of device that measures the number of steps we take each day.
It takes approximately 2,000 steps to walk a mile, and we know that increasing the number of steps we take moves us toward better overall health.
God has created us with the ability and the capacity to walk with Him and to know Him. And Scripture tells us that the favor of God comes to those who walk with Him.
So, while walking is good for us, it is important that we walk with God.
We do this by presenting our bodies to Him as “living sacrifices.”
Then, we ask God to fill us with His Spirit.
And, finally, we obey Him.
It’s that simple. And it’s that difficult. It’s a daily thing, an ongoing thing.
If you want to experience joy and success in your Christian walk, make sure—whether you take 2,500 steps a day or 10,000 steps—that with every step, you are walking with God.
Observe the commands of the Lord your God by walking in His ways, and by fearing Him. Deuteronomy 8:6
–by Dr. Ed Young of WinningWalk.org
Nice message,love it……God bless you more and more over