When Jesus came into the world in human form, He changed our relationship with God forever. He made it possible for us to become adopted sons and daughters in God’s family, co-heirs with Him to the gift of eternal life with the Father.
But He gave us another gift few of us ever open: His friendship.
He experienced firsthand the loneliness of being human, and He saw that as much as we need a savior, we also need a friend.
“I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.” John 15:15 (NIV)
What better friend could you have? Jesus is steadfastly loyal.
He forgives your every fault.
He supports and encourages you when you need it most, and He listens whenever you want to talk. He is a tireless listener.
Jesus loves you as a friend who wants to see you grow to your full potential.
There is no jealousy in Him. He wants only the best for you.
Enter more deeply into friendship with Jesus this year.
You can trust Him. If you reach out and accept the friendship He offers, your life will never be the same.
by Jack Zavada
The Lord Jesus wants us to come draw near to Him. He never tired to listen our weakness.
Thank you so much for this encouraging and uplifting message.
Keep encouraged.
In Christ,
Accepting Christ as our saviour opens the door of friendship with Him but much more is required for eternal life with God and that is holiness. Holiness within and without . Without this no man can see God. I pray that we should take a further step and do that which will glorify God. Amen
Beautiful and encouraging words, I am so grateful that Jesus loves us and wants the best for us and wants to be such a wonderful friend. May we not only desire this friendship with our Savior but may we also desire to be such friends to one another in the body so that we can be those peculiar people that will draw the unsaved to desire what we have and that more can be saved! God Bless and be well.
Dolores Munoz
Wonderfully said and an awesome response to this blessed message. I agree with you my Sister in Christ and pray the same thing for the Body of Christ. Agape & Blessings!