The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. John 1:14.
Whether they are traveling through a small farming town in Nebraska, a surfing village in California or an industrial community in Pennsylvania, politicians love to show how they can relate to the people in that area.
But the sad thing is that they can’t really meet those people on the same level. They can’t identify with them no matter how hard they try to make it appear like they can.
Jesus, though, never gives us that illusion of identity.
He doesn’t throw up a façade to try and appear like He gets where we are coming from.
Jesus Christ connected with the people of two thousand years ago, and He connects with you and me today on a level that we can understand and appreciate.
At one point, we’ve all said, “No one understands my situation.” But that statement could not be farther from the truth.
Jesus understands. He’s been there.
He knows what we go through day in and day out. He had a job–for most of His life, He was a carpenter.
He had the same relationships that you and I have today–mother, father, brothers, sister, friends, and enemies.
He even faced the same temptations that you and I face.
Jesus knows what daily living is like. He knows because He’s been there Himself.
So this week, when you feel like there is no one that can grasp what you are going through; when you feel like throwing up your hands and giving up; when you have that gut reaction of, “No one understands my situation…”, remember that our Savior has been there.
Then add two words to your statement: “like Jesus.”
“No one understands my situation like Jesus.”
by Ed Young
Very good message that we all need reminding of from time to time.
@ Dev –
I pray that your little ones remain safe, that the angel of the Lord would encamp around them and they would know the peace and presence of God. I pray that God would intervene and bring peace, unity, and restoration into this situation. I pray that laborers would be in your ex’s path, and would share the love of God in such a way that it becomes clear and irresistible. I pray for soft hearts. I pray for the peace of God that passes understanding to guard your heart. I pray that you will draw closer to God in the midst of this, and you come out of this stronger in your relationship with Him. Blessings! 🙂
thanks so much
couldn’t have put it better myself
Hi prayer request thanks
My X has taken my children to another country under a series of deceitful events.
Please pray that my little ones will be safe and that their Mum will experience the truth of Gods love and that I will allow this unexpected circumstance too do what God wants to do in my heart
May God continue His abundant blessings to you all in this ministry! I am very much encouraged with your articles. He is God who connected me with your site to get His specific message to my situations and continue to be encouraged in this life.
Remain blessed!
Reading this, I was silently protesting, “But He was never married! He cannot understand the challenges I’m going through in my marriage.” Then I realised that He is still married to the Church, and still faithful and good, even with all our faithlessness and craziness. He understands! Thanks for this reminder.
Isaac Kiiza Tibasiima, Beautiful reply you wrote on having Faith. Hope is formed through Faith.
I have had many friends who also chose and choose to wallow even though they were offered the answers that showed them Gods comfort was surrounding them. But people have to want to surrender to God,His Son and feel and listen to The Holy Spirit and willingly give up self. More and more ,people do not want to. They do not want to love God more then themselves. GeeMa.
Today, I met a friend who had had a terrible incident at the weekend and he simply walked aimlessly wishing lots of things should have happened. But, it was already past. I told him he would be fine but he wondered when. I told him I did not know, but was sure he would be fine.
Another friend, so close and special, has been going thru a hell of continuous incidents in his life. Today he told me he was fine albeit the circumstances around him: he chose to believe God’s word.
Truth is, we can choose to wallow in the mud or brace ourselves for challenges and face them knowing Christ cannot let us be tested beyond what we can handle.
Yes, like Him, we go through stuff. But, like Him, we come through. It only takes faith.