It’s a new day.
How do you see it?
Do you see to believe or believe to see? This is NOT a play on words. It is not a clever thing to say. There is a system on which God created the Universe to operate. That system requires us to believe to see, not the other way around. Whether we like it or not or believe it or not, this is the way it works. It always has. It always will.
Read throughout Scripture, and you will see the system- and how it conflicts with the way our human thinking operates. How many times have you heard it said, “I’ll believe it when I see it?” This is human thinking. God says, “Believe it and you will see it.” That is His perspective in action.
In Mark 11:24, Jesus says, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (NIV). This is God’s way; it is how things work in His continuum.
Can you see from this how it conflicts with our “I’ll believe it when I see it.” thinking? Notice that Jesus says to believe first, then see. There is something else significant Jesus said when teaching His disciples to pray: “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Mat 6:10 NIV) We think of this as a comparative statement, meaning that we assume He is saying that the things done in heaven should be done on earth.
Consider how it changes the entire perspective to see this as an operative statement. “Your will be done on earth as [in the same way] it is in heaven.” It’s a very different perspective, is it not? How then is His will accomplished in heaven? God believes (And, yes, He has faith in His own word, an ultimate faith that is more akin to knowing- a faith we should exemplify.) He speaks according to that ultimate faith. And then, it … what? It happens, of course! No exceptions. No hesitation. No “if”. God doesn’t even look to see if it happened because not happening is not a possibility for Him.
It does not happen the other way around for God. He does not see, then believe. That would be absurd to think. This is how it works: God has faith in His own word and authority, speaks accordingly, and it is then not possible for it not to happen. (It’s not the best grammatical construct, but it’s very descriptive- to me, at least.)
This is the day the LORD has made. Let’s rejoice and be glad today! (Psa 118:24 GW)
Turning to today’s Scripture passage, I said all that to ask this: Do you wait to see how things are going to go before you choose to trust God and rejoice in the day, the time, the circumstances, the situations He has created, or, do you believe, declare, and rejoice first because you are confident in who God is and what He will do? Even when you create bad circumstances for yourself, God is still there working IN those circumstances for your good.
This, I believe, is more to the point of what the Psalmist had in mind when he wrote today’s passage. Believe, then see. Speak, then it happens. See it, and you will see it.
So, what do you see today? See God working in your circumstances with spiritual eyes, and you will see it with natural eyes. See God intervening on your behalf with spiritual eyes, and you will see it with natural eyes. “…believe that you have received it, and it will be yours,” Jesus says. Begin there. Believe that. Believe what Jesus said. Believe it, and you will see it.
Have a good day today. Begin by believing in faith that it is a good day regardless of what you see in this reality. See it from His, and it will become.
From ministry friend Randall Vaughn
(c) 2025 Randall Vaughn • All Rights Reserved • http://www.e-min.org