The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14
There are perhaps no two more powerful words than the words “I know.”
I know what you’re going through.
I know what it is like.
I know how you are feeling.
I know.
We all long to hear those words, do we not? We all long to believe that there is someone, anyone, who knows what it is like, who knows what we are going through. When you find that certain someone who does know what it is like, doesn’t it seem to change everything?
Some two thousand years ago, in a sleepy town in Judea, God did something revolutionary. Rather than offering a voice of concern to a weary world, God did something beyond what anyone could have ever dreamed or imagined.
In Jesus, the Word, the voice, came to dwell among us.
In the incarnation, we celebrate the reality that God knows and cares enough about people that He chose to dwell among us in a very physical and present sort of way. The unseen God of Israelite history was now the seen God. The invisible made visible.
We are told in the Scriptures that in Jesus “we saw the glory of the one and only.” In other words, Jesus was putting God on display. You want to see what God is like? You want to see how to live in harmony with the Creator? Look at Jesus. He is the way and the truth and the life.
In the incarnation is found a large message from God to you and me: I know.
I know what you’re going through.
I know what it is like.
I know how you are feeling.
I know.
So wherever you find yourself this day, no matter what circumstances you may find yourself in, know that there is a God who knows. Feeling alone? He knows. Feeling overwhelmed? He knows. Feeling as if you just cannot go on? He knows. Feeling like there is no one who understands? He knows. He’s been there too. In Jesus, He knows.
He knows.
by Mike DeVries
Thank you for this beautiful word of hope. Knowing that someone knows all we are going through gives me strength to carry on. He indeed Knows!
OH….. MERCIFUL GOD ..THANKS for you wonderful massage I KNOW :YES I know .what a great privilege , given to them that believed .only if you know that which i know.JESUS AMEN
I’m not alone in my pain , confusion, doubt, betral , loneliness , FEAR, ! I AM NEVER ALONE ! HE is with ME!!!
Ooh Thanks, truly He knows. Keep walking tall in the Lord!!!
I know God is always there to us. What ever happened His Hands will guide us.we need faith in Him, in Jesus name.
Praise God for Such a Timely Word!! WE Must Press into The One & Only Source — Jesus Christ
BEAUTIFUL! Words to give this dying world a Light of Hope! Thank You!