We want to express our sincere appreciation for all you have done to help our ministry!
AllWorship.com is completely funded by our listeners, and your generosity has kept our Christian worship music on the air for over a decade. People listen in over 190 countries each day, with nearly half our traffic coming from people outside of the United States. You have made AllWorship a global ministry.
Some of the emails we’ve received from our listeners this year (found below) tell some amazing stories and have truly warmed our hearts.
At this wonderful time of year, we humbly ask for your continued support. We are not funded by a foundation or donations from a large church. The money to keep us broadcasting is sent in small increments from our listeners. One-third of our entire year’s support typically comes in during the last two weeks of December.
We operate this ministry on less than $3,500 per month. That’s all it takes to give people throughout the world access to free Christian music 24 hours a day. Those expenses are 20% less than they were in 2012. We are committed to being good stewards of these funds. All donations go directly to pay for streaming, programming costs, music fees and Internet fees that keep us on the air. AllWorship doesn’t have any overhead or administrative costs. So, any gift helps this music get into the hearts of people all over the world.
A donation of $10 or $20 makes such a difference to our ministry.
Anyone making a donation receives a free gift from us—the ability to listen to AllWorship on a premium stream (64 Kbps). It’s one way of thanking you for keeping the ministry alive! Depending on your country, your donation may be tax deductible since we are a 501(c)3 corporation.
Won’t you help us reach people around the world? You can make a secure donation here or mail a check to:
9340 Helena Road
Suite F-121
Birmingham, AL 35244
God Bless!
The AllWorship Team
Location: United States
Comments: What a wonderful ministry you provide! While my husband was deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq, he listened to the standard streaming every day and re-dedicated his life to the Lord. Thank you for your faithful service to the Lord.
Location: Unknown
Comments: As much of a blessing this station has brought me, only God knows how many people are uplifted, encouraged, and drawn closer to Him by the beautiful music that this stream provides. We will never know this side of heaven how many people have been touched by God through Allworship and those of you who work to keep it going. I am sure it reaches people in prison, hungry, abused, sick, persecuted, enslaved, in bondage to addictions, and those at the brink of taking their own lives. May God richly bless you and all who are involved in this ministry of reaching the unreachable for the sake of God’s love.
Location: Nigeria
Comments: The first day I listened to praise and worship, I was lifted up in the spirit, I felt like flying and was totally touched in the heart. That made me to always listen to praise and worship presented by Allworship which is really heart-touching. I thank Allworship ministry for their well doing job.
Location: Africa
Comments: Keep it up guys, your radio station is the best, always brings me close to the Almighty. I am afraid I will get fired at work because I am always tuned in! Thank you for the best channel.
Location: Guam
Comments: I wanted to let you know of the great encouragement and support that your internet stream has been to me this year. May the Lord richly bless all of those involved in your ministry. Be very assured that the ministry is very effective and is a stream of cool refreshing water to those of us that are outside of our native lands and language.
Location: California
Comments: I recently found your website and every night since then I have been enjoying the worship music as I sleep. I am a light sleeper due to this Fibromyalgia health problem. I am on permanent disability so I spend a good deal of time in bed. I just want to thank you. This music has soothed my soul and spirit. My Lord is on my mind 24 hours a day, and I love the old worship hymns you play, especially at night when we feel so alone. Thank you and God bless this ministry.
Location: Mexico
Comments: I just want to say that your station is my partner every day and a huge blessing to my life. God bless you and continue using for His glory over the world.
Location: United States
Comments: This story on your blog is just what I need. Thank God for this message. Was hurting and waiting for day break to ask my husband for separation but then I came across this. Indeed God is faithful.
Location: Afghanistan
Comments: I love listening to Allworship.com. I am trying to listen to only gospel and eliminate all secular music-no matter how danceable the tune, or catchy the chorus and I am grateful to have Allworship.com which is 24 hours.
Location: United States
Comments: I am a reading specialist at a school and always have the instrumental music from your website playing in the background during class. I believe music helps tremendously with discipline and with creative thinking. My students appreciate the music too. Although it is a public school, playing just instrumental music doesn’t seem to offend anyone. Some of my students may not have the chance anywhere else to hear the great old hymns, but they do hear them in my classroom. Thank you for providing this wonderful music. Please keep my school and my students in your prayers.
Location: Hyderabad, India
Comments: Allworship.com site is really wonderful. I personally feel it’s a blessing to my life. It’s been more than a year I have been searching for a site where I could hear the worship songs and finally found it on Allworship.com.
Location: Tennessee
Comments: We listen to allworship. We got a bad report on a cat scan that was given to my husband that his cancer was back. I was so upset, I just kept praying for the Lord to comfort me and give me peace of mind and let me know he still cared. While I was doing my laundry I came and sat in the living room of course I had my allworship music playing, you started playing a song that simply said “God hasn’t forgotten you yet”. I don’t know who sings it, but it sure helped me and encouraged me. I just wanted to let you know how very much I appreciate what you are doing in promoting the gospel in music. May God Bless your station. In Christ.
I have been listening to AW for the past six years. I am a CFO and spend a lot of time at the office so naturally I need a balance and I stream Praise & Worship all day long. This has been a tremendous blessing and my wife and three kids enjoy it as well. Thanks to the AW Team and sponsors for this great gift of God’s voice on earth. Peace and blessings indeed.
Trinidad and Tobago