If you’re a seasoned air traveler, chances are you’re familiar with the term “holding pattern.”

That’s when your plane is unable to land because of unfavorable ground conditions. Generally, the pilot announces that he’s been told to maintain a holding pattern, pending an update from the control tower.

It happens regularly, so planes have to carry enough fuel to stay airborne until they can land safely.

The Bible says, “Wait for the Lord; be strong. Let your heart take courage.”

When God puts you in a holding pattern, it’s not just a question of having enough faith to receive His promise. It’s also a matter of having enough “spiritual staying power” to stay airborne until it comes to pass. That’s why you need to carry enough spiritual fuel to handle delays and wait for clearance.

The Bible refers to the Holy Spirit as “a rushing mighty wind” (Acts 2:2). After God had delayed Noah long enough to accomplish His purpose, “He sent a wind” (Gen 8:1).

Anytime a wind comes from the presence of God, it blows away all hindrances and obstacles. It dries the ground under your feet so you can move ahead. It demolishes the spirit of fear and heaviness that makes you want to quit.

David asked God, “What is man that you are mindful of him?” (Ps 8:4).

Even in times of frustration and waiting, God is still thinking about you and working everything out for your good.

His delays aren’t denials.

So, when you sense a divine breeze in your spirit, rejoice. It’s a sign that He’s clearing you to land and good things are about to happen.

By Agyeman Fordjour

17 Responses to A Holding Pattern

  1. Irel Jennings says:

    Powerful devotion, very impackful, thanks for the rich way you divided the word of truth.
    Have a purposeful and uplifting day God bless

  2. JV says:

    I needed this sooo badly thank you.

  3. Sheila Holland says:

    I now understand what a holding pattern is. My eyes of understanding are enlightened.

  4. Tony says:

    I am so blessed with this message, it’s timely as I am experiencing all these trials and temptations. I just thank God for his unendinding Love and continuously working and molding me. God works in mysterious ways that He used you to send this encouraging message for me to read this morning. May God Blessed you and your Family always.

  5. Dee says:

    Isn’t it just wonderful how the Lord always sends us the right word at the right time. I have never needed to read these words more than I did today. Thank you and God bless you mightily.

  6. Rohan says:

    Beautiful and consoling words. We just need to wait for gods will to work in our lives, to never loose hope and trust.

  7. Elisabeth says:

    Thank you for this message. I really need this to encourage me in these difficult days. Only God can provide us peace when the troubles come and a strong storm to clear up everything.

  8. Ghassan says:

    May God bless you richly as you touched my heart of each word you wrote. You just explained my current situation as I’m waiting upon God to act for 4 years.

    God bless you with all my heart.
    Jordan (Middle East)

  9. Elizabeth says:

    Thank you I really needed this word today. May the Almighty God richly bless you

  10. Conrad Arzu Jr. says:

    Excellent word and very timely. I receive every word. A good friend of mine about a month and a half ago told me that my life was in a holding pattern. Exactly like you explained. But he did not share with me the other half which was to wait on the Lord. However, the Holy Spirit told me to wait on the Lord. And your devotion confirmed it. Awesome how God works.
    Thanks tons for the word and be blessed.

    “In Gods Grip”
    Conrad Jr.

  11. Judy Yeck says:

    What a beautiful devotional thought! I thought of Exodus 14:21: When the Israelites were to cross the Red Sea, it was a wind that dried up the river bed!

  12. Pia says:

    This was a hope-filled and VERY TIMELY article for me to read!
    God bless you.

  13. Elizabeth Martinez says:

    Like The Eagle soars above the cloudy sky and above the storm’s. The Eagle see’s the Sun. Wow a awesome now word.

  14. patricia says:

    Wow. What an encouragement! May the Lord grant me the grace for a holding pattern as i wait on Him and for the fulfillment of my heart’s desires!

  15. Mark Vandercook says:

    Thank you for this encouraging message. I found another Bible verse that applies here:
    (Psalm 37:7) Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. (NIV)

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