The Lord gave us His promise to send us a helper: the Holy Spirit.
The word for “helper” in the New Testament Greek is “paraclete”. This word has more meaning then simply “helper.”
It was also an ancient term used in warfare. When Greek warriors went onto the battle field, they went out in pairs, so when the enemy attacked they could stand back-to-back, covering each other’s blind side.
The battle partner in Greek was called a “paraclete.”
He was there to watch your back!
The Holy Spirit is more than our helper and comforter. He’s our battle partner who covers our blind side and protects our well being.
You are not in this fight alone. The Lord has given you a “paraclete” to go along with you.
Don’t grieve Him.
Listen carefully.
Let Him lead as you fight the good fight of faith, and don’t worry about your blind side.
He’s got your back!
But the Helper (Paraclete), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. John 14:26
–by George Whitten
You’re not 100% but a million times right, yet many of us don’t care at all, and stay in the darkness alone. Yes he’s with us all the way, times and different moments…