Also, I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: ‘Whom shall I send and who will go for us?’ Isaiah 6:8.
Have you heard the voice of the Lord asking you to go somewhere, to do something, to share your story with someone? It may have been like it seared through your entire body as He spoke to your heart, or it may have been a still, small, imperceptible sound. How did you respond? Did you do as Isaiah did and immediately say: “Here am I! Send me.”? Or did you hesitate, wondering if it was really His voice you thought you heard? Or maybe you ran as fast as you could in the opposite direction like Jonah. I have done all three at one time or another.
God is waiting on us to respond to His call, to respond to His love.
When God drew us to Himself, we had to make the decision to respond to His love and make Him the Lord of our life. He didn’t force that upon us. He gave us a choice. He forces nothing on His children but draws us in love, wanting us to experience the blessing of following Him.
He does the same when He calls us to minister to others, to help those in need, to speak His name, and to share our story of salvation. He doesn’t force us. When we don’t respond immediately or even run away, He patiently waits until we are ready and willing to answer. He is such a good God. But when we answer “yes” immediately, we will receive abundant blessings. His master said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.” Matthew 25:23. This may not happen every time, but we have to remember blessings come in different forms, and He is faithful and blesses us in different ways. Sometimes those blessings are unseen.
So, what about you? Is the Father asking you to do something, to share with someone? What will be your answer to Him?
From Pam Rehbein, a longtime friend of AllWorship.
Hearing God’s voice is always my desire, and reading your blogs every now and then have been such a blessing to me.