When Daniel was in the midst of the lion’s den, God was with him.
When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were in the midst of the fiery furnace, God was with them.
It would have been perfectly easy for God to immediately transport these saints out of their difficulties, but no. He chose instead to be with them in the midst of their trials. God chose to reveal His power through the trials instead of exercising His power to remove them.
Trials and difficulties are simply a part of life and quite honestly, the longer I walk with the Lord the bigger these trials become.
But how do we react when our faith is challenged by these adversities? James 1:2 says to count it all joy!
What could possibly be joyful about difficult situations? Painful, yes. But joy?
Yet, somehow, I do find joy in knowing, and even sensing, that God is with me in the midst of my problems, in the midst of my trials.
He did promise never to leave or forsake me; and as I look over my life, I find it to be absolutely true. No matter what crazy situation I’m in, God is with me.
We all have this decision: either to complain because of the trials we’re enduring or to prayerfully lift our souls before him. And rejoice in the midst of our troubles–knowing, believing, and even feeling, that God is with us, now and always!
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Matthew 1:23
–by George Whitten
Amazing Grace…Thank you Yahweh!!!
Thank you. I needed to hear that today. I have a prayer that I have been praying about for a year.l
Thank you, I needed this today!
Great message! Made my day 🙂