How many times have we heard our children say “Are we there yet?”
Or we’ve said it ourselves!
Sometimes it feels as if we will never get to our destination.
We can feel that way about heaven as well. We deal with the drudgery, sorrow, pain and sin in this world, and wonder if Jesus is coming back in our life time. Will it be soon?
It may be that you are dealing with a serious or terminal illness that has racked your body with pain, or that someone you love dearly has already “gone home” and life is empty without them.
You are so tired—tired of the fight, tired of the pain, tired of being alone. Tired of living life as you now know it.
While there is a time for everything, as stated in Ecclesiastes, we can’t and shouldn’t want to rush God’s timetable as to when Jesus will return and take us to heaven.
There are billions of people who still need to hear that Jesus loves them.
However, there is a plus side to being God’s believers here on earth.
We are half way to our destination!
Paul said we are already seated in the heavenly realms where Christ is. Past tense. He didn’t say that someday we will be seated with him.
How can that be when we are down here? Like many other subjects, this is a “God thing.” Something that only He can do.
While our bodies are here, wasting away, our souls are already with Christ, with the Holy Spirit living in us. That’s why prayer is so important. It is one way that we feel His presence with us.
While we may be discouraged with life as we know it, we can rest in the fact that we are half way on our journey to our forever home with Jesus. That’s something to be thankful for and celebrate!
And as we live our lives, may we reflect that we are half way there, showing love to people and sharing the gospel with them.
And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6
–by Pam Rehbein
What a wonderful devotional! I love the scripture you referred too. Love that we are half-way there but still able to share the love of Christ with others on out way there.