When you obsess over problems instead of looking to God for solutions, the enemy will magnify your fears. If he can’t get you to worry about the present, he’ll remind you of everything that could go wrong in the future!
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “All I have seen has taught me to trust God for all I haven’t seen.”
The last time you checked, wasn’t God still bigger than any terrorist attack, financial disaster, illness, accusation, or mess you found yourself in? Well, He hasn’t changed!
David said, “He won’t go to sleep. The Lord is at your right side. [He] will keep you safe wherever you go.” (Ps 121:3-8)
It all comes down to faith versus control. You can struggle to handle things on your own, or trust your Heavenly Father. That’s the choice!
It’s not about ‘blind faith;’ it’s about believing that God is who He says He is. And it’s an issue you need to settle in your mind once and for all, because if you don’t believe He wants only the best for you, you’ll keep trying to run the show.
Control isn’t responsibility. Responsibility is doing your part by praying, obeying, and trusting God. Control is manipulating the circumstances to engineer the outcome you want.
Jesus knows how we like holding on to things we’re not wise enough to control, so He said, “If you want to save your life, you will destroy it. But if you give [it] up for me, you will save it” (Luke 9:24).
Bottom line: you either trust God or you don’t!
By Bishop E. Earl Jenkins
Thank God for message. Please guide me my Father and please be with everybody
A word of encouragement to all who have decided, after reading this to trust GOD –
Letting go and trusting HIM is a process, it is a journey. So don’t get discouraged when you fall back into “control mode”. You haven’t failed. Let go again and move forward. We all have to crawl before we walk, walk before we run, and a lot of stumbling occurs before we become proficient trust-ers. Especially if we feel like GOD has let us down before and we have to rebuild our trust. One way to rebuild that trust and faith is to find GOD’s WORD for the particular situation you are facing and begin proclaiming it out loud, over and over, until it is in your heart in abundance. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the WORD of GOD. Call those things that be not as though they are. Say what GOD says, not what the circumstances say. If you are still moved by circumstances then faith is not in full abundance yet; keep speaking the WORD.
Thank you for that
for several years I’ve been receiving these emails from all worship I’ve always chose not to read anything but waking this morning the situation of where I’m at in my life… Amazingly awesomely I enjoy reading “faith vs control” God told me in prayer one time what would It gain A man to profit the world and lose his soul, I am your heavenly Father I will provide your needs I will take care of you I am your daddy,wow thank you Jesus for this encounter I’m going through and the testing of my faith I Love You Lord I love you thank you
Good Word!
Amen…This is the word that I needed to hear. I choose to trust God no matter what I’m going through now. He will come through like He always has. Praise Him.
God is faithful always and forever!
He is even more powerful than our fears.
Thank you for that great message! It came at a time of need for me. I am going to let go and let God for my peace of mind, if anything at all.
Thank you I pray God will help me to let go of control and trust him. I am sure walking in a place where it almost feel like I can’t make it.