Recently, an NFL coach when being interviewed, was asked what he thought he would do if his team got to the Super Bowl.
His response was that he was not concerned about the Super Bowl, but about the next game at hand. He said it is the journey to the Super Bowl that one needs to enjoy instead of worrying about the major event before it was time.
In Genesis 1, God could have easily created the whole universe at once but He instead chose to go through a seven-day process, each day stopping to compliment and celebrate what he had created, saying it was good!
He is God who determines the end from the beginning; yet even with such knowledge, He chose to go through the process.
Many times in life, we tend to worry about the future and live our lives, missing the “now” moments.
Yet God has secured our future in Him and lets us go through a process to refine us and make us more like Him.
Maybe it’s time for us to sit back and enjoy the “now” moments God has given us.
The breath you just took; your friend, family, or spouse; the job you have right now; the day you are living in right now; and many more.
Life is better lived when you live it giving thanks for your “now” moments because those moments are already here.
The past is gone, the future is not certain, but “now” is here!
Our final outcome is already determined. Enjoy the journey!
–by Philip Mafunga
Mathew 6:34
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself, each day has enough troubles of its own.
Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come…today is the time to make it meaningful. Thanks for the message
Papua New Guinea
Beautiful exaltation indeed. A lot of mischief will be avoided by just resisting the allure of the future!
that word is so true,im guilty of that .thanks for sharing.
It is true. We are blessed for what we have now. God is so good. Whatever comes be still. God is with us, HE will not forsake us nor leave us.
Honestly, my spirit is lifted with this message. O Lord I give you all the thanks and praises for my today.
Dear sisters and brothers,
Thanks a lot for these messages and your music because they are a huge blessing to my spirit and soul. God bless you plenty!!!