I see the countless Christmas trees Around the world below, With tiny lights, like heaven's stars, Reflecting on the snow. The sight is so spectacular, Please wipe away that tear. For I'm spending Christmas With Jesus Christ this year. I hear the many Christmas songs, That people hold so dear, But the sounds of music can't compare, With the Christmas choir up here. For I have no words to tell you, The joy their voices bring. For it is beyond description, To hear an angel sing. I can't tell you of the splendor, Or the peace here in this place. Can you just imagine Christmas, With our Savior, face to face? I'll ask Him to light your spirit, As I tell Him of your love; So then pray for one another, As you lift your eyes above. Please let your heart be joyful, And let your spirit sing. For I'm spending Christmas in Heaven, And I'm walking with the King! I know how much you miss me; I see the pain inside your heart. But I'm not so far away, We really aren't apart. So be happy for me, dear ones, You know I hold you dear, And be glad I'm spending Christmas With Jesus Christ this year. I send you each a special gift From my heavenly home above. I send you each a memory Of my undying love. After all "love" is the gift, More precious than pure gold. It was always most important In the stories Jesus told. Please love and keep each other As my Father said to do, For I can't count the blessings Or the love He has for you. So have a Merry Christmas and Wipe away that tear. Remember I'm spending Christmas With Jesus Christ this year! by Wanda Bencke
Lost my brother December 2nd 2009 my cousin found this poem I’ve had nine losses this year so I shared them with everyone this poem is unbelievable really does help you heal Merry Christmas everyone
My wife passed away in May of 2019 and I miss her just as much as if it were yesterday !
She was a Teacher / Counselor in both lower schools and later in High School ! She loved her kids and helped many of them through very difficult times and likewise was love d by them also ! She died from Cancer of the stomach and couldn’t eat any food for about 8 months before passing away , still don’t understand the why of it when she spent her whole life giving and caring for others , I guess I never will !
I know she’s healed and happy and walking the streets of gold but I sure do miss her beautiful face and smile that would warm your heart !
The poem is so Perfect , I’ll look at it often to help remind me that this earth is just a short stop off to Our Permanent Destination ! 😔🙏
I hope you are finding comfort at Christmas and everyday. Your wife is with you woth every memory you share.
Genuine Son did a wonderful song of this poem that I used to have the mp3 of…unfortunately, I no longer have it…I have been searching the internet, including YouTube, and all the streaming music services and can’t seem to find it anywhere 🙁…if anyone knows how I can get access to that recording, I’d truly appreciate it…lost my father this past year and want to play it for my mom…thanks
Youtube has it, entitled “Christmas in Heaven” by Genuine Son.
A wonderful and beautiful poem. I truly feel wonderfully blessed after reading this poem. I thank God for all my loved ones that have gone on before me. I miss them but would not want them back in this world knowing their living with Jesus now is so much comfort for me.
It’s almost 2 years since I lost my husband, and the pain is still here in my heart and in my mind. I can’t be happy like I used to be, but I am glad he isn!t suffering. .I wish I could totally believe he is that happy. My heart can’t let go.
my mom passed january 5 2019 this was our first christmas without her it will be a year in about 7 days and it never gets easy as i was really close to her in the end
I lost not dad June 23 2019
My son was murdered on October 7th, 2019 his dads birthday. It has not gotten any better for me at all. I just can’t believe someone took my baby’s life from me and him.
If this don’t light your fire your wood is wet
My father passed away 2 months ago. I’ve tried to keep the joy of Christmas in my heart but I miss my Dad so much. He was my best friend. This poem reminds me to have faith, to have hope. I know what God’s promises are and I am a Christian but sometimes the grief is so powerful. It’s overwhelming.
Thanks helps me to remember to young man celebrating Christmas with Jesus they will be missed here on earth but know that they are rejoicing with our father in heaven is a gift…
I lost my son on September 27th 2019. This has been a very hard Christmas without him.
To our dearly beloved Son César Andrés +07/07/1998 -09/21/2019, who’s know with so many family and friends under the cover of God…🙏🏽
Jasper L Kranke passed to his eternal with Jesud on 12-5-2019. Very missed and so.loved but I would not.wish him back. He has a healed body and no longer in pain. I have a broken heart but I will see him.again one day.
Prayers for you and your family. My baby sister was 41 she died October the 2nd 2019 and my husbands father died October 15th 2019 . I pray we will find peace.
Beautiful and comforting after my only sibling/brother passing. Will share with the family. Thank you so much for sharing.
Dear David, I’ve thought of you so often this first Christmas without you but my next thoughts have been of you spending your first Christmas with Jesus and how fortunate you are. Even though I miss you, I’m so happy for you still. No more suffering honey and for that I’m thankful. We all miss you and love you even more. Your loving wife always, Donna Marks.
Today is my beautiful Mom’s, and my precious Great Aunt’s, first Christmas in heaven with their Lord and Savior. Barbara Dent and Rosalyn Dent are in the loving arms and care of Christ, now. I did the best I could for the two of them over the past several years but the Lord knew it was time for them to join him. I do miss miss them so.
My grandson (21 Y/ O) commited suicide on 9-11–19, made a whole new meaning to the date ! The holidays have come& gone without his sweet face & my heart is broken. I can still feel his spirit arundel us and that helps a lot. I love you so very much Seth Ivan Ferrell.
My first Christmas without my sweetheart, these words made me cry and rejoice for the place she wanted to be for the last 4 years, she has been with our Lord since August.Thank you for this.
Sending this beautiful poem to 2 of my friends who both buried their sons this year
This poem is such a comfort to me. Missing my mom tonight; it’s our first Christmas without her.
Merry Christmas my brother love and miss you every single day. We should meet-up soon. Look after dad until I get there biscuit. Hugs kisses n a big cuddle. Your sis. Benny
Amanda, this is so nice. Dave is in good hands now. He is protected from all pain. RIP Dave. We will miss you.
What a wonderful poem! In the past two months i’ve lost 2 very close friends/family members, Billy and then just 40 days later, my father in law. I miss you both SO much. Before just now I was only looking at my side of things, not ever giving a thought to everything new an exciting you are experiencing. I miss you both SO much! Someday soon my thoughts will be more clear an I won’t be all over the place. As for now i’m just not there yet… Merry Christmas guys, I love you! 🎅🎄🎉 😊❤
This will be my first Christmas without my daughter, Jill Jones!!! She passed away in July, 2019 with cancer ♋️She left behind 3 daughters, 2 granddaughters, 2 brothers, 1 sister, and her Mother!!! Many nieces and cousins!! Rest In Peace sweet Jill!! LOVE YOU 😍🥰 ❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
I lost my sweet Marla on August 11, 2019. I miss her so much, but I know she is with Jesus. She was mine for 53 yrs.
Merry Christmas Daddy! Love and Miss you everyday. Until we meet again.
Hugs and kisses.
These words are incredible. I know them well. Their to a song titled Not that far apart by Ryan Kelley. The video is beautiful as are these words sung by him. This song, these words are for my husband, he went home on January 2nd.
In memory of Lenora F. Montgomery! December 20, 2018! Love you forever!!
Merry Christmas..Momma 2019
Ask In Good Faith And You Will Recive He Loves Us All And He Will Prove It
I am having a hard time this year with Christmas. I lost my sister in September ,I know she is with Jesus. Still the pain of loosing her still hurts. She led praise and worship at her church so she is in the heavenly choir.This poem makes a little easier on me.
Wishing everyone the best Christmas you can have.Remember we are left here to suffer, our loved ones are now walking in the Glory with Christ.
This poem is beautiful
All my love to you
My Friend Trish
In Heaven this year with Jesus
To my sis,mom, father,grandparents in Heaven with Jesus.
Merry Christmas to you all,oh how I miss you all. All my Love to you all
My darling wife Shirley. She went home to be with Jesus on 27th January 2018. She knew where she was going and told me “He wants me”. Such a wonderful lady, lover and best friend. I know she is watching over me and I feel she is happy I am learning how to move forward. Thank you for everything and every moment we had together darling.
Your knight (as you always called me) . Xxxxxxxxx
I lost my last sibling in Oct. 2018. She begged Jesus to come for her while she was in Hospice. She left 2 children and several grand children who are grieving as I am. It hurts even though we know she is not in pain but she is rejoicing and waiting to see all her family there one day.
For my beloved father….12 October 2017. A patriot, father, soldier, husband, friend…. Love you dad ….
France’s B Mezo
Phyllis F Singley
Feb.14 2012
Nancy L Andrews
Nov.30 2014
Christopher Walley
June 14 2017
This Poem is So Beautiful, So Touching. We have to Remember Our Loved Ones That have passed are No Longer Suffering, but are Rejoicing in Heaven with Our Lord and Savior. ✝️🙏🏻💖
Every time I read this beautiful poem, I cry. My dad passed away in 2007. I have a strong faith, and firmly believe that he is in heaven. My mom, brother, sisters and I miss him. How he enjoyed his family, his grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren! I just break down when I read the poem. I tear up so much that it takes me awhile to get through reading it.
Went to the funeral of a young man, his name is Colin Rish and we was just 23 years old. the fact that he was just 23 was tough enough but when the Priest read this poem there was not a dry eye in the house. I will remember this funeral and this poem forever. It will touch me every time I read it.
This is such a touching poem. Like others, I lost my dad in 2013, then my mom joined him in July 2017.
Tears are flowing as I read this. I miss them so much.
Such a beautiful poem. It reminded me of my grandma, who was a wonderful woman of God. I also told a friend at church to go on the site and read it, for she lost her dad just this morning.
I have seen this poem many times and it always said at the end that it was written by a Teenage boy that was dying for his mother
Thank you Asta for such a lovely poem. I certainly miss my beloved parents Henrietta and Raymond. My lovely sisters Angela, Sonya ,and Mary so very much. It is comforting to know that they have Eternal life with Christ and nothing here to compare with that. Our memories sustain us until we see them again. My prayer today is for those who do not know that peace. You are loved by many who know how you feel.
My dad went to heaven on December 23rd, 2016 and this was read at his funeral on December 28 28th, 2016 and it meant a lot for me and my mother to hear and also made us cry ,because my dad had a lot of health problems and now he is with God not in pain or suffering, Thank You so much, The Pinkston Family
I love this & it gives me comfort. Jonathan left this earth on June 16, 2016. It was so sudden. He was killed in a work accident. He was the love of my life & will never be forgotten! He spent his first Christmas with Jesus this year & I am so thankful because there is no one I rather him be with! I know you are having a time of your life with your daddy, Papaw (aka Arley), Granny Calvert, Papaw & Granny Thomas. I bet you have rubbed your hands together a million times since you left me. I love you & can’t wait until we are together again in heaven!!
That is such a heart felt poem – lost my son 14 years ago and not a day goes by that I don’t miss and think of him.
Steven Laffoon May 20, 1993-August 17, 2016 First Christmas in Heaven
Celebrating Jesus’ birthday ? in Heaven. Return to your rest my precious son. Always deeply loved. Never forgotten
Pastor Dwight Smith, March 26, 2016, 5:30 pm. So sadly missed, by the whole family. Such a gentle, kind man. A blessing to many. Loved dearly and missed by your wife, Jean.
This is my Mom’s first Christmas in heaven! I sure do miss her but I know her and Dad are having a great time together! She was so ready to leave this Earthly home and she is no longer in pain nor sick. Until we see each other Merry Christmas Momma and Daddy!!!!
Natalie Ramirez Dimas 3/4/75 – 9/25/2016. Merry Christmas in Heaven baby, I love you & miss you every day…till we see each other again….
Mom left us Dec 20 so this poetry was so supportive and beautiful.
Blessings to all who posted here and beyond. May you find peace and healing from your pain and challenges.
Rita we miss you but we are glad you spend Christmas with Jesus. I love you forever my dear sister ❤️
This is a beautiful poem!!!! I would like to dedicate it to the family, friends, and fans of “Elvis Tribute Artist” Keith Henderson of Chapel Hill, NC who passed away unexpectedly on November 22, 2016 as a result of suffering a massive heart attack!!! By sharing his gift with us Keith brought much joy anhappiness to so many!!! On October 15th, 2016 Keith performed at a Benefit for my husband who has stage 4 kidney cancer!!! Most performers usually charge for benefits but not Keith!!! He traveled 65 miles to perform and did not charge anything!! We were allowed to keep all the proceeds from the benefit and put it on my husband’s mounting medical expenses!!! I know he is enjoying singing with Elvis who was his idol since he was 3 years old but most of all I know he is enjoying singing to the King of Kings our Precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!! Keith’s birthday is Friday!!! Happy Birthday Keith and Merry Christmas my dear friend!!! Even though I know your family would prefer to have you here they can be comforted by knowing you will be celebrating both with Elvis and Jesus this year!!!
Our Jamie is truly a part of this beautiful poem from Our Lord, she left our physical presence Dec 9th,
2016-but we know she has already made her way to her angelic place above! She is trying with very
litle problem, to make her way to the lead angels. She needs to let them all see her coming, as then
they will understand her brightness,and brilliant shine is all around her and she will help them lead the way…WE ALL FEEL YOUR GLOW & WARMTH HONEY! TIL WE MEET WITH YOU AGAIN OUR ANGEL…..
WE WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU, Mom,Dad,Brad-Karin-Alex-Katy-Lydia-Conner❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Merry Christmas to all!
I needed to see this today. My sister passed over on June 2 this year. We were very close.
In memory of:
Beverly Dickerson Cofield
May 30, 1937-June 2, 2016
Through my tears, I am writing to thank you for this beautiful poem. It could have been written by my husband as he wrote poems each year for our Christmas cards. This is the first year our family will not be complete as I lost him in August to cancer. Everybody loved him on earth and I’m positive it is the same way in heaven. My faith says we’ll see each other some day, and I believe it is truly the way. Honey, I miss you so much and will love you forever.
Iona Karber 10/29/1927 to 11/08/2015 You will forever be my rock and my foundation mom. It’s my consolation that you are now breathing easy and resting in peace in Heaven. I miss you and I love you. Merry Christmas in Heaven My Sweet Precious Mom!
My cousin sent me this poem. My grandson Julian, 9 years old, was in a car accident on August 20, 2016. I say accident, however, when someone drives under the influence, it is no accident. Four days later, August 24, 2016, Julian was confirmed brain dead. It has been very hard to comprehend Julian will not be here for Christmas. This poem is absolutely right on. I know Julian is with our Lord. That is the only thing that gives me peace. Pray for Julian’s Dad, Mom and his sister and 2 brothers. God bless all who have suffered a loss of a child, no matter what the age.
We love you and miss you Lee!
01/17/71 – 11/14/16
This is so inspirational. We lost our 21 year old son July 2nd, 2016, the saddest day of my life. He was such a beautiful son and we were so close. I know he’s truly loved in heaven! They say it gets easier as time passes..but when? Every day that passes brings me one day closer to be with him. Love you Taylor Joe?
Love you always. .Mom
This is for my sweet precious Nephew, Lyle Guthrie, who was murdered in 09-20-16. He was my everything like my own child. Christmas will NEVER BE THE SAME—-NEVER. Sweet Jesus, please hold him in your arms as we would do and let him know we will see Him soon and we love @ miss him
This is beautiful I lost my sister on March 9 th of 2016 and my Husband march 29 th of 2016 we were married 60 years and this is there first Christmas in heaven and my first Christmas without them . But the joy I know my husband and sister are having in heaven with Jesus and all our family . Makes me happy for them but sad for me but I know Jesus knows best .but he would tell me not to be sad things will get better.
GOD bless to my family and friends.
In memory of my beautiful and precious daughter Kirsten. My heart is broken but I am not a broken person. I was blessed t have her for 41 awesome years and I know she is now a precious Angel watching over me. I love you my forever Angel???
It sad not having my dad and bill here with us this christmas mom william ruby lana dorene i hope your looking down from heaven and watching over us bill mom dad you have grandkids yall never seen will yall be there angels and keep them safe life is so hard with out yall. It so hard to go on. My life is. Will never be the same
I lost my mom and my sister this year and my dad 4 years ago. This will be their first Christmas with them all together again. I miss them all so dearly but I know one day I will be with them all.
Nice sentiment, but it doesn’t help me. I hope it provides comfort for someone else, though.
Paul i realy love this my son passed away in 1966 Dec 24 and that is the Reson i love this , it brings me back to that time with the great love and hope i have for him and i n JESUS.
This is so beautiful, I lost my mom 11 years ago on the 6th of December and my dad 9 years ago on December 15th . Thank you
We lost our Mother in 2013 to lung cancer, and Sept 16, 2016, we lost our baby sister to lung cancer. It has been really hard on my sister and I, we were all very close. I know she and Mother will be singing and keeping an eye on us, and saying don’t cry, I’ll be alright. We know they’re are in a better place than we are, but it don’t help the pain in our heart. Maybe time will help, and one day we’ll all be there together singing in that heavenly choir. Mother 82 yrs. Lisa 60yrs.
Merry Christmas to the best friend anyone could have ever wished for. We were meant to be friends- soul mates from a very young age. Sing with that heavenly choir and let me hear you here on earth! I love you forever, Genie M. Save Mom and me a place next to you and Daddy. My heart is already there with you and when it is my time I will join you and nothing and no
One will ever separate us again. – And that hug …. i really won’t ever let you go again. Merry Christmas Genie and Daddy! I love you both beyond all words!!!
Daniel, I am so thrilled and excited that you are with Jesus Our Savior for your first Christmas in heaven. We should all be as happy as you are. We shed many tears of loneliness for you but you are in his glory without pain or worry and now have your spiritual healing. We all love and miss you but you are our shining light in HIS glory!
Merry Christmas in Heaven to my husband Richard and my brother Ronnie’s son Chance. We love and Miss you bunches and bunches.
This is so very special. Im thinking of my husband who passrd away 4 yearago
Thank you for sharing. I am a bit of a poet myself so I know this came from ypur hrart.
this poem made me happy because my favorite idol Christina Grimmie passed away and I miss her so much haven has a beautiful singing angel #ripchristina
My mum died on her and dad’s wedding anniversary 27Nov (2016) the minister said this poem at her funeral and it brought us comfort . I hope she is with our dad Tom and her mum and dad Alex and violet. We all love them very much and Christmas will no be the same without them. Love you both forever from Mag, Tommy, Brenda, Alex, Angela and Diane.
lost my dad March 24, 2016 and my husband of 23 years on August 2, 2016. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are both in the presence of God and that I will see them again one day. This Christmas is going to be extremely difficult, but I now that God will give me the strength and courage to get through whatever comes. This poem meant a lot to my husband and I when we lost his mother and father a few years ago. I know that it will be a comfort to me and my family this Christmas.
This poem is so comforting. My father passed away in October this year. This is his first Christmas in heaven. Thank you for sharing the poem, your stories, and prayers.
My, beautiful sister,is spending her 1st year in Heaven, I am sure she is with our family ,that has gone on. They must be looking down ,on us. Singing with the angles. Walking with Jesus, You are no longer in pain.from that old cancer. We,love you ,and miss you,But God knows best.
My niece sent us this beautiful poem. We lost my mother on May 14th, 2015, from a car accident. My father was in it also and he survived. This poem captures exactly what my dear mother would say to her family. We are all very close and the Good Lord is helping us through it. I love and miss you so very much Mom. Until we meet again…..
What a wonderful poem and one feels the great warmth and love. Thank you for sharing this with everyone.
This sounds very nice, but is opposed to scriptural truth on so many levels
I know you are correct. However as a mother trying to cope with the loss of a child year after year. The pleasant visual aids of the poem. Pull the pieces of my broken heart together for a moment. So that I can focus on the loved ones still here. And avert another bout of depression. Yes I’m am Christian. But are you a parent?
Lost my dad in march of 1979. He knows my feeling inside. I talk to him often. It gives me comfort to know he hears me all the time. Thank you Jesus for your unconditional love and kindness. Thank you for this awesome poem. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all always.
I miss you mom and Dad.Ralph and Victoria Dybdahl merry Xmas together once again forever.
Lost my best friend this February. My mom. I miss her every day. But I also know, this will be her best Christmas ever….
merry christmas, mysweet son,jeff i miss u so much, i love u. i know u are in heaven.
Merry Christmas daddy in heaven! I know it is beautiful! We love. And miss u so much!
Beautiful words of comfort just when I needed them. Mom made her journey to heaven Dec. 13, 2015. I know without a doubt she is with my Dad who made his journey July 10, 1983. They are together again, celebrating their 58th wedding anniversary tonight looking down at all the beautiful Christmas lights. I love & miss u both so much, but I know we will be rejoicing together one day!
what a lovely poem.we lost our baby at 3 days old in july 2015 now she is with all the other angels in heaven.we are still strugling and grieving for our baby ruby.
Beautiful saying so true my brother pass november292015 I’m not in Christmas this year Clarence I miss and love you brother I no your in heaven your at peace missing you is still hurting in my heart
How beautiful but so sad. Bill & I don’t know how to go on without our beloved daughter of just barely 36 years of age. Our life’s will never be the same but someday hopefully will be able to cope. May her first Christmas is Heaven be wonderful and Thank You for this blessed poem. Prayers go out to everyone that lost a loved one young or old.
The reason for Christmas is because of God love for mankind.
Karmyn jeanne u wer entirely to young to die u had so much u wer gonna do and so smarft baby I just needed you to know that I’m not mad at you EVERYONE loves you and u had so many friends I love you and please karmyn stah wkrj me i need you love always momma
Lovely poem. When I lost my husband, it was so hard,so thankful just knowing. He is with our twins,and one daughter And I fill like it is just like a curtain ,that is between us. ,so home sick for heaven” I know it must be wonderful ,to spend Christmas with The Lord merry Christmas to them all. Linda c
My 8 year old Rylan son passed away on September 24th 2015 after a 9 month battle with brain cancer. It will be his first christmas in heaven and my first Christmas without him 🙁 we love and miss you so much baby. Hope you have the best Christmas ever in heaven. I can’t wait until we are together again.
Mommy I know it will be six years on Thursday but I still miss you.I have a copy of this in a picture frame so I can look at it when I really start missing you and it always makes me smile. MERRY CHRISTMAS MOMMY
I lost my mom May 4.2015 and I lost my day July 28.2015 I miss and love them so much my life will never be the same they were wonderful people This is a beautiful poem
What a gift to be able to write such a lovely poem and bring so much comfort to so many people around the world. This will be my daddy’s first Christmas in heaven after battling cancer and I’m comforted by knowing it is what God thought was best for him. I hope many others find peace with the help of your poem this Christmas
On the 21st of November I lost my 39 year old wife of 11 years and this will be our first Christmas without her. We have a 10 year old boy as well. I will definitely be showing this to him. Thank you and God bless.
it is 1 year ago today (dec 20, 2014) that a wonderful, special lady went home to be with the lord. oh how i miss you, you are my special angel . rest in peace helen.
Oh my Darling . Sweetheart I miss you so much.?. I know God came after you to get you out of pain and so you could breathe again it’s only been ten months but it seems like an eternity since you held me and kissed me. I do thank God for the 30 wonderful years I was your wife and I thank Him that out last words were “I love you.? “and then in minutes you were gone. I know you are rejoicing and waiting for me , so just know I love you and one day I will be with you again throughout eternity.
I really needed this today thank you. God Bless everyone!
My husband passed away November 5th 2015 the day before his 42nd birthday. He has left behind me and our two daughters (10 and 6) who miss him so much. Our two daughters and I don’t feel much like celebrating Christmas this year with out him. We talk about what he is doing up in heaven everyday and trying to be positive that he is having fun with Jesus now and watching over us everyday. Thank you for this my daughters really liked it.
We miss our daughter Bronwyn who went to be with the Lord on 15 August 2015. She loved Jesus so much & showed this in her walk through her life on earth. She left this legacy with every one especially her children. We can just imagine her joy when she saw Jesus standing beside the throne of God the Father to welcome her.
I really believe the poem is right on. To be in heaven with God is truly the ultimate goal. To God be the glory.
To my loving wife who just passed a few months ago. When I’m sad and miss her, I think of the freedom she is in and no pain, but pure Joy in heaven. Somehow I know she is celebrating with me in heaven. She and the angels rejoice……… Until we meet again, be sure you are missed and loved.
This year is hard we lost our sweet sister Ninfa and brother Pete it’s not the same all our lives have changed thank you for the poem helps everyone we know we love you and miss you so love from the Family
My World has Changed when I lost my Dad this year, Yet when I read something so Beautiful as this Poem I feel him right by my Side as he always was..Thank You Dad for being My Angel on Earth and now My Angel in Heaven. ..Your Michael. .
There is nothing harder than having to bury your child. I had to do that this year. My 25 year old son died suddenly of myocarditis Easter morning April 5 2015. It is the hardest thing any parent would have to do. My friend sent this to me and it is by far the most beautiful poem that I have read. I will read it everyday to help get me through my first Christmas without my beautiful son. I miss you so much Johnathan! I hope your first Christmas in heaven is a beautiful as this poem?
I, too, lost a child this year … just two weeks ago on Dec. 3, 2015. You are so right – it is extremely difficult; almost too hard to wrap your head around. My daughter, Cathy, was 51 and died of a massive heart attack. Eventually, the pain will ease and life will go on, but life can never be the same once you’ve lost a child. Stay strong, Michele … and know that one day we will be able to remember them thru smiles rather than tears.
We lost our sweet baby, Pete, at 35 weeks on 11/23/15. This will be his first Christmas in Heaven. The line that struck a chord for me was “For I can’t count the blessings or the love He has for you.” We have felt the love of God in a way we’ve never before experienced and I am so thankful for the words you penned. You made me cry! What an encouragement to a mama whose heart is still very broken. Thank you.
I will always Love you Larry I know it not my first Christmas it’s my third Christmas that you be gone I miss you as it was my first
Thank you for that wonderful poem God always has a way of being there to comfort us and send us a message from our sweet angels in heaven.
This is such a beautiful poem. It wwill be my Mom’s 4th Christmas in Heaven and my Dani’s 2nd. Iknow you are in Heaven both of you playing and taking care of each other. I always knew that I would be without you both someday but now you are both free of pain and happy. I pray I will see you both again someday. I love and miss you both. Merry Christmas in Heaven. Pam
My mother passed away fifteen years ago.I do donate blood on my mother birth day October15th and father birth day on December25th every year.This poem make me though of my mother an father.
Wish I could see for myself what it is like and meet my family all that have passed. And being with someone I know who watches over me and the entire world.
I love this poem. I can imagine in my mind what it is like by the description you gave.
Such a Lovely Poem for such a lovely person, I know you will enjoy this Christmas with our Lord and saveure Jesus Christ, I miss you so very much and now at this time of the year……….
Our son, Peter at 16 was killed as a result of a car accident 11/23/13. This will be his third Christmas in heaven. Reading all these messages is comforting I’m that I’m not alone; there are so many people who are feeling the same acute loss right now. Christmas is so much more meaningful now, knowing Peter wouldn’t be in heaven if Jesus hadn’t come to earth to be his Savior. Still, it’s lonely without him. It blows my mind to realize God willingly gave His Son to die, when it hurts so much to have a child die.
Our mother passed away 11years ago this coming 2015 Christmas morning.
I know my sister will love this as much as I.
Such a sweet message. What a wonderful descriptive of what it might be like to be with Jesus. Praise to the King!
Just lost my son *12/18/14 this is the most difficult thing ever in my life.Blake mono misses u more than words will ever say!!!!!!!! This is a beautiful poem!!!!!!
Thank you Steve for sending this poem to us. I will always love and miss you, my wonderful brother.
Stephen Jacob Miles 11/21/56 – 11/13/14
I loved this poem and will always love those that have gone before me and will keep them all in my heart. This has been a wonderful way to look at the holidays when we are still our mourning the loss of a loved one. Thank you for all that have shared this, I know it has helped me. I miss you Emily and Maryann.
Love this poem my brother passed Feb 24 2014. Think about him all the time. Some time it is hard to believe he is really gone. he was my best friend. frist Christmas without him here was hard. u will never be forgotten in our heart u will stay forever. love u Joey
My beautiful sister Jennifer, who loved The Lord and couldn’t stop talking about Christ was a mother of four young boys and she passed away 12/20/14 in an untimely manner.
Jennifer, you would light up the room when you walked in, no matter day or night. You touched so many peoples lives that you didn’t even know about….especially mine.
I am truly sorry for the tough love that at the time I thought you needed. I hope and pray you understood and could forgive me, because I can’t forgive myself. The last two months of us not speaking has opened up a huge hole in my heart while your heart was the one that needed the love and understanding from me. Forgive me Jennifer and now that your perfect, ask Jesus to help me forgive myself. I Love you sis.
In loving memory of our beloved daughter Michelle who died March 11, 2014
my nephew found this poem on Christmas Eve. Little did we know, his mother, my sister ,would spend Christmas this year with Jesus. She passed away Christmas morning. It is so appropriate for our family and was as if it was sent to comfort all of our family.
Mack Montgomery and Rueben Sanchez I miss and love u guys so much. But Im so glad when god took u two on April 1, 2014 u will b with each other til we r together. And Mack u now have our Troopy with u just take care of my puppy my baby til we r together again. I love u my husband my best friend, soul mate.
loved this poem
Angela, my best friend,wife,for 32 years. Mother of our Twins. She was called home to JESUS, Oct.10,2014. Angela I will miss you till the day I am with you.
Love you,
My friend Kenny Lebeau shared this poem on his FB page on Christmas eve and then he died of a massive heart attack about 24 hrs later on Christmas night. Tell your people how much you love them TODAY because we were never promised tomorrow.
To my mom who passed away 7/27/11. She loved to decorate and have her grandchildren over to open presents..I love and miss you very much. Love Sis.
This is so beautiful and helpful. We lost my son Chad 12/15/2014. My Greif is so deep, and I cannot stop crying over the loss of his life. Only 18 years old. I will take this to heart and know he is in heaven with Jesus. RIP Chad…I miss and Love You so much… Mom
Ty, this is so beautiful, losing Susie, my good sister in law just yesterday on Christmas Eve has been so hard, this helped a lot, God bless.
author David M. Romano
I thank Jesus for this poem lost son in law Sept 15 2019 he came by this morning in dream to see me that’s on Christmas Day we are missing high m so much know he is in heaven looking after his family.Dec 25 2019
I lost my mom 11-5-91. There is not a day that how’s by that I do not think of her and miss her terribly and she told me before she passed do not shed tears for me because she would be happy where she was going. Yes I cry, but I know that she is watching me from above and then I smile. She is with my dad who passed four years before she did and I know in my heart that they are together. Even though I was adopted by them both I feel very blessed. Thank you dear Jesus.
This is beautiful, lost my son Oct. 26,2015. This my first child to be in heaven with Jesus at Chr stmas. We all miss you an love you. Have merry Christmas with Jesus.
How beautiful to imagine my mom and sister saying this words. My first difficult Christmas is the first most beautiful for them.
Beautiful. . These words I have felt and thought with the loss of Our Mom
Love & miss you jeni and all that gone before.
To our Luke, no more pain and heartache for today you spend Christmas with our Saviour! You hear the Christmas story first hand! You hear the angels praising Jesus! Maybe the wise men give account of that wondrous night. The shepherds, visitors rejoice once again! Praise the Lord for His gift of His Son who saved us so we might go to His heaven. We miss you everyday sweet nephew. 11-21-14
This is a great poem. This made 12 yrs without my brother for Christmas. God bless everyone.
This is a beautiful poem. I have lost
both Mom & Dad and not a day goes by that I don’t think of them. Mom & Dad
I love you & miss dearly. Linda
Linda, I know how you feel. I lost my Mom to Alzhemier complications on Dec 13, 2013 and my Dad to cancer on AUGUST 19,2014. I miss them so much but I know they are in God’s hands.
The poem is beautiful and I miss my husband so much he been gone 15 yrs but I will never get over losing him. He was everything to me I love you honey Charles Williams see you soon!
My sweet friend sent me this poem tonight. I lost my mother suddenly March 2014. I could barely read this without crying. I miss my mom so much. I truly needed this. God Bless
So very beautiful.
The above poem was written by Wanda Bencke. Wanda’s thirteen year old disabled daughter, Lysandra Kay Bencke had a seizure on December 25th 1997 and lapsed into a coma for five days before she passed away. It was during those five days that Wanda reportedly wrote the poem. That year she sent out belated Christmas cards to friends and family that included the poem as well as telling the story behind the poem. Since then the poem has touched many hearts.
In loving memory of my nephew Chad Fieweger 3-11-92 to 6-4-14 and my grandson Ayven Nelson 4-1-14 to 7-7-14. I love and miss you both everyday.
In memory of Sophia Jane Goyeneche-Gray
April 8, 2013 – May 8, 2014
“Some birds aren’t meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright.”
I to just lost my beloved husband Dec 4th of this year God let him kiss me goodbye before he took him home.It truly was a. Blessing , he suffered greatly And I know he is walking with the Lord now.
That was beautiful. It sounds like something Colleen would think about in her heart. She was that kind of person.
What a wonderful poem it came to me just when I needed it ! I love you and miss you Dad & Mom . I have all the wonderful memories from our past Christmas’s and they are what I am hanging on to !
My heart still ache for my daughter Katrina Dayton Barnett.pass January 5,2014 And my aunt Barbara Bucceri. Passed August 19,2014. It does bring me comfort knowing they are with our lord and savior. We love and miss you both. Also our other family in heaven. We will all be together someday soon.
Gracie Marie this is your first Christmas with Jesus. We sure miss you. The house just isn’t without you. I keep expecting for you to be here. Think about you every day. Webbie and Reno I still miss you two like crazy. Merry Christmas to you all and I love you to the moon and back.
Just lost my beautiful 17 year old niece on 12/11/14 she was in vehicle accident. Thanks for the poem it helps ease our pain for she is having Christmas with Jesus our King! We love and miss you our sweet Angel but we know you are with our King!
This sound so much like my grandaughter. We lost her Sept. 2015. It is so fresh and so hard. It is so hard not only to feel my own pain but my daughters. They were so close. And her only sibling her brother. He is in such pain. I want to beleive that is where she is and she is watching over us. But my pain is so great right now it is hard to believe in anything. She was the best ever and so good. Does not make sense
This was poem is just beautiful. I loss my husband of 29 years on 5/10/2014. I know he is in heaven singing with the Angels and in the arms of his Jah and Savior. Until we meet again my love. Rest in eternal peace. Lloyd David I will always love and miss you. Your Queen Keva.
I lost my best friend and my husband loved this poem
A friend found this and sent it to me this morning. My husband passed away unexpectedly November 19th, 2014. I have been trying to celebrate his new life and rejoice for him daily, but my heart is still pierced with the agony of loss. His favorite music was Bing era Christmas music so I rewrote the words to I’ll be Home For Christmas to sing at his memorial. Wish I had one more chance to show you and tell you how much I love you.
Lost my mom on February 22. Her birthday was the nineth. My heart is so sad. Then I see an hear this, an know in my heart this is the best Christmas mom will ever have.
I’ll support as special days for all friends and admirers on fbook, instagram, google+,linkedin, wikipedia, twitter, etc… Tanks and ood following days. Happy new year as anticipation.
Dear Lenora we grew up together and did a lot together when we were made at each other it just killed us we didn’t like being mad at each other because of are love for each other I would love to have one more day with to tell you I love you vary much and miss you dearly I know your in better hands now until we are together again love and miss you RIP love dennis
i lost my Mom this year, and can imagine her saying exactly these words to me.
Our son, Christopher, (meaning Christ-bearer) died a year ago in September. He was 47. Thank you for sharing this. I could “hear” him speaking. This is very helpful as that loss will never go away. Peace!
This was a very fitting poem to share with my Mom Brothers and sisters, and the rest of our Family. We lost my Dad this past March, there isn’t a day that goes by that our hearts don’t ache from missing him. We know where he is , and this poem brings comfort to my entire family knowing that this exactly what my Father would be doing in heaven during this season. Loved and missed beyond words 3\17\2014 forever in our hearts
To my sister Lisa Marie who passed away 7/18/14. A very brave woman who fought a good fight battling breast cancer. I love you and miss you.
I will always forever in a day love you.com Gina Ford, my daughter. October 11, 2014
This song was written by Maurine P. Smith, President of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers and is now a song put to music by Michael Smurthwaite.
The poem is copyrighted to Wanda Bencke. According to the memorial page on FindAGrave.com for Wanda’s daughter Lysandra Kay Bencke, Wanda wrote the poem after the death of her 13-year-old daughter on Dec.30, 1997.
To my husbanf, Bill and son, jimmy. Miss you both. No more pain.
Geraldine O’Shaughnessy 9-08-14 Until we meet again
To my beloved husband Jerry, Merry Christmas my love for u is for eternity. I miss u so. My heart is in so much pain. I am happy that u r at peace with our Savior. I cant wait tell the day we will be together again and this time for ETERNITY. LOVE U with ALL my HEART. Passed Nov. 5 2014
This is a very nice poem a coworker gave it to me when my mom went to heaven last year.
Our 24 yr. old son just died of a sudden heartache. Brad Towe. Brad was a strong Christian with a wonderful wife and 7 yr. old twins. Besides Brad’s work he was a Sunday School teacher to boys at our church, Hendersonville Church of Christ. He was also a basketball coach to his son’s team at our private Christian school where his children go along with it being where Brad went to school for 12 years. Please pray for Brad’s family, especially his wife and twins along with his 2 brothers.
Thank you so very much. In Christian love, Dianne Towe
We will be praying for you this Christmas. This is our first Christmas without our little Sophia. She was my sister’s first and only child. Her father forgot to drop her off at day care on May 8th of 2014. She was left in the car all day. She was 13 months old and it completely devastated us. It’s not been easy…i have three children of my own that wonder where their cousin went and why. I hope your family finds peace and i wish you the best. Remembersophia.org
Dianne, I am praying for you and Brad’s family this morning. I can’t imagine the pain and loss you are all experiencing. May The Lord pour out His comfort and peace upon you. We also belong to church of Christ here in Oklahoma City.
This poem says it all I am so honored to be a child of God. Thank you for this special poem.
I love you Dianne❤️ I know this was our first Christmas without Brad but we know we will see him again. Our twins had the best Christmas possible without Daddy. We have been reading a book at night called ‘God is Always Good’ given to us by Gil’s wife, Janet. I am so sorry that you have lost your son, my husband, loving brother & awesome Dad. We love you dearly ❤️
This poem was so beautiful
This was inspiratial and will help me this year with loved ones who left me recently this year. Thanks for sharing.
What beautiful words!!!!
In Loving Memory of Reed James Ledbetter
My Christmas Gift, in these words was answer. Dad your there with Jesus WOW! Mom must be so glad your there to be by her side forevermore. Where you both will never ever again be apart. Forever and eternally. With JESUS. This one was especially a loved one from heaven confirminig he made it to his true Home Heaven. Merry Christmas Dad from all of Us. Until we meet again we await for the some day we to will be face to face. Let Us wait. We Love You with much LOVE. Miss You And Mom so very very much… Hugs and kisses and All Our Love from Our Hearts and thoughts. Never forgotten memories are always spoken of both as we gather everyday today and every Christmas day. We Love You Both so very much.<3
Love this poem, I can just hear many of loved ones gone saying this.
Your music is such a comfort to me. I am 78 years old and have played the piano since I was six years old. The poem “My First Christmas In Heaven” was so moving. Our only child, a daughter, passed away in March so this is her first christmas in heaven. I got an E-mail form AllWorship last night and read it through my many tears. God bless your ministry.
Boston MA
So sorry to hear that , I lost my mom, this year June 2015 let’s pray for one another . God bless you .
Jesus called my mother in law home in March and my Daddy in June. Tears of joy being shed for them??
Been a hard year here too. What a beautiful poem. Lost my mother to cancer Sept. 19th and my father in law 3 weeks before. Others all around seem to be getting cancer . Remember Jesus lives and He holds us in his hands.
My beloved mother went home to her Lord and Savior on May 14, 2015, and here I am , three Christmases later, missing her every moment of every day. This poem has brought joy to my heart, just attempting to envision how truly, gloriously happy she must be. i wonder if she has met your mother yet!! I will remember you in my thoughts and prayers.
My heart goes out to you, I lost my only daughter in July, 2015 to ovarian cancer! I still cry everyday and this being her first Christmas in heaven really brought the tears! I know people say it will get better but for me so far it gets worse because the longer she is gone the more I miss her! Praying for all of us mothers that are suffering from the loss of there child! God Bless
I’m am so sorry you lost your daughter .I know what your going thru I just lost my husband this past July we were married 35 years i.miss him everyday I cry alot god bless you she is a angel now watching over you
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your daughter. I know how much you must miss her. I lost my dad to cancer on March 21, 2012. And I miss him terribly even to this day. This poem is beautiful and I can still she Dad being part of that heavenly choir. My, how he loved to sing! I can’t tell you that it will get easier, but I can say that the race of God Will get you through it. Will be praying that God will ease your pain and replace it with wonderful memories of your daughter.
God bless you today and always.
Oh I feel exactly the same, someone took away the life of my precious son in October and feel worse everyday
Yes, l understand, We hold their hands 4 a little while & their hearts forever. Done a crosstiching 4 sister-in-law yrs. ago.I too lost a son
When I read this I thought…oh her daughter went first to prepare to your way when your time comes… what a loving daughter
Love this
That was an awesome poem
I would like to tell all of you God Bless you on this christmas year of our LORD 2013 AND MAY ALL THE BLESSINGS COME FOR ALL…………
Oh my Heavenly Father, won’t that be a great day. Just reading this makes me fell Joy, unspeakable Joy.Thank you Heavenly Father.
Yes it help me to begin my christmas day.
Thank you
Lyndall and family, I have not felt the severe pain of losing a child which has to be the most painful and difficult loss for a parent. losing our parents was difficult enough..but Will was way too young,so full of life and had so much to offer. I admire you all for bringing his life full circle to us all since his loss..when I just read this poem about first Christmas in Heaven I totally it and the tears keep flowing. Love you all
that is a beautiful poem. i can only imagine being with jesus everyday.. thank you jesus for your unfailing love.
This is a beautiful poem!!! It brings you
So much peace!!!
My Sister Cindy passed away just yesterday and the pain that I feel in My heart is just way too big right now! I am only ten months older than she is so, I am truly at a loss here! I pray that God will help me feel this way soon, just not right now! Pray for me to find peace. We lost Our Father three years ago and a younger Sister Eight years ago! Mom is so very devastated! Pray for us for “Cindy is spending Christmas with Jesus this year”!
Healing prayers lifted for you n family
The sorrow and grief doesn’t go away, but love will heal the empty spot in your heart. I don’t want to forget my brother, I want him alive every day in my mind but time will help and will heal the pain. My brother died last July I feel your pain, I’ll pray for you.
Hi Blanca, having lost my Father (1994) my two older’s Sister (2012) and Brother (2016) and just three months ago our dearly beloved older Son, can relate with your peace less life. Just talk to Him as one of your family members, He will listen and reply. God will find the way for each of us.
I pray GOD’S strength over you and your family in the Name of Jesus Christ, I speak healing to your heart and soul in Jesus Name.
Prayers for you and your family. God’s Peace and Blessings for yall
Praying for you lost my son August 23 the Lord csnd help you he helped me
Blanca, Sorry for your loss. Close your eyes and let those memories of her come to you. She is right there with you. May Jesus help you through these tough times. Hugs to you and your family.
My dad passed away on December 23. Our hearts are heavy but we know his life and where he’s at today. My prayer now is that all my loved ones can meet him there and walk with Jesus in Heaven some day.
I know your pain, Nancy. As hard as it is, please know that Jesus is right there with you and feels your pain. It WILL get better in time. Let yourself grieve. There is a wonderful set of 4 small booklets done by Stephen Ministries called Journeying Through Grief. They are short (you will find it difficult to concentrate on anything too lengthy at this time, which is perfectly normal). They were such a blessing to me when my husband passed 7 years ago. Praying God will carry you through. He is faithful.
I know the pain, my husband passed away May 1,2019. After being married foe 46 years I am at a loss as to how I will go on without him. God is the only source of comfort. Reading this poem was extremely hard, at the same , it brought comfort knowing he is with Jesus and I’ll see him again.
I know the pain your feeling Blanca. I lost my sister just 8 days into 2019. I lost another sibling 12 years and he was only ten months and 3 weeks older then me. Mom and dad are also gone so now its only me and my younger brother left of the family. Sister was 3 years younger. I pray for you to find peace also. I still remember like it was yesterday(both siblings died of Pancreatic cancer).
Praying you find peace & love in JESUS CHRIST.F
I lost my husband Dec. 30, 2018, so this is his first Christmas in heaven. This was such a beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing. I know he is there because he saw God before he went and God called him home
Nicole Jernigan(4/20/92)__12/20/07_ first Christmas in heaven,,,RIP ,my angel.
My daughter Trinity Yasmine Thompson is spending her first Christmas in heaven. God bless you my beautiful,sweet, smart and precious girl. You are missed every moment of the day. I love you forever. To the moon and back.
She is looking down on you and ALSO spending Christmas with you too.
My daughter is spending her 1st Christmas in Heaven this year her name is Shelly.11/20/1970 passed 9/15/2019 I miss you so much. My heart is broken and I don’t think it will ever heal.
Praying for your heart to heal & give you peace.
Ohh how wonderful thank you for sharing 😇 makes me happy to remember all my lost family members it’s really heart warming thanks again!! I know Jim has as mNy Chocolate chip cookies as he wants We will never forget this special man !!😇🥰🥰
LOST MY WIFE nOV.9TH 2017 lovely poem miss her
The Ultimate Communion.
Thank You My Lord Jesus Christ! You Are My Savior. Happy Birthday Jesus! My Mom’s First Christmas With Christ Jesus. Grace Gove Will Be Remembered(1932-2017)
Jesus Christ(God) is on the ascendancy! I am so sorry for the immense loss endured by all individuals on this beautiful website. The snow might be falling here but I know its sunny upstairs….Mom is closer to me now than at ever before!
Could hardly read for crying I miss your mom and dad so much but I know you’re together and peaceful and I will see you someday Never a day goes by that I don’t think of you both and miss you
Our son died this year, September! We are so very sad , but these beautiful words help us know what a peaceful, beautiful place he went to…walking the streets of Heaven with our precious Lord and Master…JESUS!!!!! Thank you!!!
What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see;
When I look upon His face, the One who saved me by His grace…..
I LOVE THAT SONG!! I sang it at my mothers funeral.
I never got to even spend one Christmas with my little one on earth or even with them growing inside me. My angel got to open their eyes and see the king of Kings before they even knew of anything but pure love. Thinking about Christmas without my angel is the hardest thing in the world.
Such a beautiful poem, one to hold so near cause my loved one isn’t here.(Lance LeBlanc) Always remember mom loves an misses you so very much.