Category Archives: AllWorship Blog
Find Your Way to Worship… Even in the Summertime
Summer is here, and with it comes the excitement of vacations, beach trips, and a break from our usual routines. While this season brings a lot of joy and relaxation, it can also throw us off our regular schedules, including … Continue reading
Being An Ordinary Hero
And the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord. They forgot the Lord their God and served the Baals and the Asheroth. Judges 3: 7 I love the book of Judges. I know that … Continue reading
Coming Soon
What is coming soon? What is coming soon is in part up to God and in part up to us. God is always doing something. Seldom do we know what it is until it is over. This is as it … Continue reading
You Are Here
You are here. Ever wondered why? You are not where you are by any random incident or occurrence. You, your life, and where you live it is neither accidental nor random. I know it feels like it sometimes, no question … Continue reading