Category Archives: AllWorship Blog
The Burning
…weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Ps 30:5. When you light a candle, the wick has to burn for it to shine its light. The bigger the flame, the more light it sends into … Continue reading
Celebrating Twenty Years of Ministry
In March, AllWorship co-founder Bill Hardekopf shared some thoughts from the early days of All Worship. When AllWorship first hit the airwaves on March 1, 2004, we vowed to always run this Christian radio station in a way that honored … Continue reading
A Leap Of Faith
Are you willing to take a … leap of faith? Taking a leap of faith sounds epic, heroic, even thrilling … until it comes down to the moment of the leap. Then, more than anything else, it is scary. Taking … Continue reading
How Long Has It Been?
How long has it been since you let yourself be amazed by God? Have you ever? If not, don’t beat yourself up. I am not saying this is all right. It is not. Just do not put yourself under condemnation. … Continue reading