Category Archives: AllWorship Blog

Water Wells

Wells are used to extract water from the ground below as we all know. Nowadays, there are built-in filters to sift out unwanted particles that could clog the pipe that leads from the water source to the well. But back … Continue reading

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30 Pieces of Silver

In Old Testament times, thirty pieces of silver was the value of a slave accidentally gored to death by an ox. The amount given to the prophet Zechariah is an intentional insult for the rejected shepherd, who was a pre-figure … Continue reading

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When someone paints a masterpiece or makes a beautiful craft, when they write a song or make a piece of art out of what most people would call junk, they are showing their creativity. They make something beautiful out of … Continue reading

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Each Day Is A Gift

There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of secular books out there that promise to tell you the secret to success. But you may have heard me say what true, biblical success is. Simply stated, success is being in the middle of … Continue reading

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