Category Archives: AllWorship Blog
What is Love?
Some say love is an emotion. It is. It is also said to be a social construct, a utility, and a necessary function to continue the existence of humanity. It is. It is also said to be a power. It … Continue reading
Stepping Out
There are times when God tells us plainly what our next step is, and there are times when He expects us to step out in faith, not knowing what the next step is. In those times, we should do the … Continue reading
Got Hope?
When everything you hope for is gone, and everyone in whom you hope goes, what can you do? I know what most people do: They give up hope. When circumstances overwhelm you, and you can see no way out of … Continue reading
Piece By Piece
My mom and daughter enjoy doing puzzles – one on the computer, the other with pieces she holds in her hand. When there are many pieces with the same pattern or no pattern at all, it can be difficult to … Continue reading