During the course of the past year, many of us have faced some sort of trial, test, setback or disappointment. Some of us have even experienced failure. But in spite of all of that, God has prepared this upcoming year, this moment in time for you to have a new beginning.
The enemy’s objective is to keep you locked in yesterday, the place where the pain originates from. God has a different plan for your life. He knows all about the things that have gone wrong. He’s not surprised at some of the questionable decisions that you have made. He’s knows that you have let Him down. He is not shocked at all.
The good news is that He also knows your future. “If any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away and all things have become new” (2 Cor. 5:17).
When you have life in Christ, you have the ability to experience new possibilities in life. There is a season of new opportunities that await you and you must be willing to pursue it. Victory in this new year takes some understanding.
You were not created by accident. You were made by God himself. God is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He designed you to live for a unique reason. When He made you, He pulled out all the stops. You are His prized creation.
You were made to overcome obstacles. You were made for victory. He didn’t create you to blend in with the scenery. Out of over six billion people in the world, there is only one like you. So, don’t be shut off or boxed in by traditions or customs. Don’t be held back by someone else’s expectations. You were created for brilliance and excellence. You were made for success.
Before planting seeds, the ground must first be prepared. The ground must first be dug up and turned over in order to receive seeds. In the same way, we must cultivate our lives so that we will be able to yield a successful harvest. We must do some work in order for our lives to be ready for a new beginning. We have to make choices and not yield to the power of sin. As we choose God’s way, the Holy Spirit will strengthen us even more.
There are some spiritual disciplines that we must develop to cultivate our lives:
* Prayer–Not just asking God for things but communing with Him.
* Giving–We must change our perspective on our possessions.
* Studying the Word–We must take in His promises daily.
* Serving–We should always look for ways to improve someone else’s life.
There is a lot of noise in this world. There are people shouting from every angle, trying to get your attention. To be able to distinguish between the voices, you need to be able to listen very closely. God is always speaking; we just have to listen for Him. The time is come to get your hearing in order. The alarm has sounded.
What is the sign that you are waiting for? The light has already turned green and you are clear to begin your journey. Step away from the crowd. Separate yourself from the average people who don’t want anything other than what they have always had. You have been called out to make a difference. You have been called out reclaim territory for God and live out your destiny.
It’s time for your New Beginning.
by David Turner
Such a wonderful message so right on time. This is truly a message that is needed for the 1st Service for the New Year, a reminder for my christian brothers and sisters and also myself to reflect on our position and remember that we are in this world but not of this world. Thank you for this message.
A big thank you to AllWorship Ministry. The LORD has set you apart to be an inspiration and blessing to HIS children. Lovely message and indeed very timely!!!
Amen!! Needing this apt message! Even though,the wait is long,God will reserve the best for us!!
Thanks for the encouragement!!
Wonderful! Can i post this in my facebook account?
Let’s do this!……..By God’s Power, by God’s Grace and by God’s Love. Amen.
Asante (thank you) for your inspirational messages. Very timely for this season as we are about to start a new year. God bless Allworship ministry
Beautiful message. I am ready for my new walk with God. Thank you for this encouraging message. I will stand out from all the noise and listen to God’s voice!
Be blessed.
My love to Saint David Turner for contributing such an encouraging practical based article! God bless him and grant much more wisdom to educate this world the real point that would last infinitely with the living Lord.
God bless you the authority that without your maneuver it would have been impossible for me to get such a palatable gift at the tail of the year.
God bless you all.
Wow! So very timely and greatly needed. Thank you for your ministry.
Thank You I needed that…
This message is so appropriate with the timing and for each one that has come to a T-junction or just sitting on the fence in our Christian walk. Thank you for. These inspirational messages. God bless!
Wonderful devotional…as they always are!