Author Archives: Michael
Why Aren’t You Answering?
Have you ever felt like this toward God? I recall times I prayed and cried and called and begged and … no response. Nothing. Not even an “I’m sorry, but I can’t take your call right now.” message. David had … Continue reading
Got Hope?
When everything you hope for is gone, and everyone in whom you hope goes, what can you do? I know what most people do: They give up hope. When circumstances overwhelm you, and you can see no way out of … Continue reading
Why, yes, I AM humble!
Though a contradiction, some people love to tell you how proud they are of their humility. Oh, they may not say it in those words, but the message is clearly communicated nonetheless. And if they do, they aren’t. The LORD … Continue reading
I’ve Failed Too Many Times
What is holding most people back from being all they can be in their relationship with God? Religion? Tradition? Faulty teaching? Lack of faith? Past failures? I believe not seeing ourselves as God sees us may be the predominant reason … Continue reading