Author Archives: Michael


It seems to me that the trip from trick or treat to Christmas wish list, straight from give me or else to I want, I want, I want is much too fast. Somewhere in here, there used to be time … Continue reading

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This is Us

It is … sometimes. Tell me you have never been angry, upset, or demanding to God. You most likely cannot. I know I have. As in any parent-child relationship, this behavior is a part of the maturing process for children. … Continue reading

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See The Whole Picture

We want it all now. We want to understand now. We want to be rescued now. We want … We want … We want … Sometimes, we do not get what we want when we want it in the way … Continue reading

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This is how some people see God. They see Him with rules in hand, waiting for us to break one so He can punish us. If this were true, He would be considered a child abuser by every definition. This … Continue reading

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