Author Archives: Michael
Keep At It
In the Greek Olympic games of old, a unique race was run. The winner was not the runner who finished first. It was the runner who finished with his torch still lit. There are times in our lives when we … Continue reading
Are You In Love?
Have you ever noticed that when people are in love, they tend to forget everything else? Everything becomes secondary—cars, houses, money—nothing matters. It is all secondary to love. Then, when they fall out of love, as in a divorce, all … Continue reading
Duck Hunting
A farmer and his friend went duck hunting. Eventually, they got to talking about the things of God, as they always would. “You’re always talking about these battles you have with the devil,” the farmer’s friend said to him. “It’s … Continue reading
Tough Times
Andrew Murray, a famous pastor and theologian, said several important things about the tough times in the life of a believer. First, when you find yourself in a tough time, know that you are there by God’s appointment. Second, you … Continue reading