Author Archives: Michael
People Are Watching
Years ago, I heard an anointed missionary and personal friend speaking on the consequences of sin. He told a story about a pair of brothers he knew quite well. In his teenage years, the older brother went through a time of rebellion against his … Continue reading
Object Of Your Faith
A little girl was standing in the middle of the block, not on the corner. A businessman saw her and told her that the school bus wouldn’t stop in the middle of the block. “You need to go to the … Continue reading
Can’t Touch This
Carl Armerding wrote a funny story in Moody Monthly, about his experience at the zoo. “As I stood there,” he said, “an attendant entered the cage through a door on the opposite side. He had nothing in his hands but … Continue reading
In God’s Image
My dog, Winston, is a loyal, fun, and bright companion. He sees me pray every night, and even waits beside me; but he does not have the capacity to pray. In the creation account in Genesis, we read how God … Continue reading