Author Archives: Michael

The Sweet Aroma

Did you know that back in the days of the Roman Empire fragrances were all the rage? They would celebrate their victories with huge parades and burn incense on the altars, which would fill the entire city with its sweet-scented … Continue reading

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Starting Over 

So many people begin a new year by declaring they have a “resolution” that they are going to make changes in their life.  Especially after a particularly bad year, we just want to start over. As we all know, most people … Continue reading

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God With Us

The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel (which means God with us.) Isaiah 7:14 To the Israelites, who had been looking for a redeemer for 400 years, “God with us” meant … Continue reading

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Behold The Lamb

Shepherds were on the lowest rung of society, they were ceremonially unclean, and theirs was even known as the illegitimate profession. So, why did God select these individuals to be the first to learn of the birth of Jesus? I … Continue reading

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