Author Archives: Michael
Remember The Victories
Growing up, one of my favorite Saturday activities was watching ABC Wide World of Sports. I can still remember the opening line: The thrill of victory or the agony of defeat! One of the greatest prophets of the Bible, Elijah, … Continue reading
Cultural Confusion
Imagine we are with a group people hiking in the wilderness. As darkness falls, we realize our group is lost. We know the way home is north, but no one seems to know which way that is! After much disagreement … Continue reading
Be A Giver
In Israel, we have an interesting geographical phenomenon: there are two landlocked seas. One is alive and one is dead. The sea full of life is the Kinneret, better known as the Sea of Galilee. The dead sea is, you … Continue reading
Unanswered Questions
A three-year-old little boy in the doctor’s office tearfully asked why Mommy and Daddy let the doctor give him a painful shot. The parents have the big picture of their son’s health and well-being that his little heart cannot yet … Continue reading