Author Archives: Michael

Five Priorities

“Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.” James 4:8. If we want to build our relationship with God … Continue reading

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Still Under Construction

Several years ago, we built our current home, from the ground up, ourselves. There were designs drawn, mistakes made, time taken and help given from others. Whether it’s a road, or a building project, construction takes time. There can be … Continue reading

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True Treasures

The king of the birds was looking in the mirror one day and was disappointed to see that his feathers were not as bright as they were once. “I am getting old,” he said, “I think it will soon be … Continue reading

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A New Dollhouse

A little girl climbed into her daddy’s lap and asked him to build her a dollhouse. Much to her delight, he promised to do so. Distracted by his business, the father forgot about his promise. One evening, he entered his … Continue reading

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