Author Archives: Michael
Drinking the Cup
“…shall I not drink the cup that the Father has given me?” John 18:11 Would you willingly drink out of a cup that you knew had poison in it? Your first response would be, “Well, that’s a stupid question. No.” … Continue reading
Prayer Changes Things. Yes or No?
I suspect you have heard this before: “Prayer Changes Things.” If I said, “No, it does not.”, most readers would be ready to run me out on a rail. That said, I am saying, “No, it does not. Prayer does … Continue reading
Work To Be Done
From Our President There is still much work to be done … Hi – I’m Kevin Krueger, president and CEO of Atlantic Gateway Communications. Jesus commands us in the book of Matthew – “Therefore go and make disciples of all … Continue reading
Hi! I’m Bob. How can I help you today?
If you need a life coach to help you with important decisions, Bob the Sheep will not be on your list of choices. If he is, you need something much more than a coach! I do not doubt that neither … Continue reading