Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Heb 13:8.
If we don’t sit and meditate on this verse, we slide by it, thinking: “I know that.” But do we really think of Who He is and how He has been with us?
God is the God of our yesterdays. He allows the memory of our hurts, our failures, and our successes so that He can use them in our todays. He turns the past into a ministry. God of yesterdays: what has God brought you through? Are you thankful or angry that you had to go through whatever came to mind?
God of today. He was our security in the past, and He will be our security for today. I am with you always, Matt. 28:20. He will be with us on this day – guiding us, holding us, encouraging us, whatever we need. He doesn’t leave us to fend for ourselves. When I think of what He has brought me through, sometimes sparing me even when I was not walking close to Him at all, it is comforting to know that He will be with me today.
God of our tomorrows. If we remember what He has brought us through in the past, we can be sure that He will be with us in our tomorrows. ‘…For the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.” Is 52:12. He’s all around us. He knows what the future holds for us and will be there with us, whether the future holds things that are good or things that are bad. We don’t have to be afraid because He holds our tomorrows, and is preparing a place where we will be with Him forever.
God never changes. He was in control of our yesterdays, He is in control of our today, and He will be in control of our tomorrows.
Pam Rehbein
Friend of AllWorship
Very refreshing and more in depth for my thinking. Thanks Amen
I had just sent a message to a friend saying that I have to lean on the Lord each and every day to be able to do what He has called me to do. I couldn’t do it without Him. He is the guide for my life and the one who directs my steps. He holds my past, present and future in His Hands. I could not do it without Him. All glory and honor to my King!🙌🏼. 🙌🏼. 🙌🏼