Did you know that holiness is the only attribute of God that we find in triplicate in the Bible?
In Isaiah, we read in the call of this prophet of God: Holy, holy, holy. And in Revelation, as we read about the worship around the throne, we see again the words; holy, holy, holy.
And because God is holy, we are called to be holy, which means we are to be separate, to be set apart. It means we have said to God, “I want to please You, and I want to be available to You twenty-four seven.”
We don’t have any other agenda, we are the same in public, in private, and in every situation.
When you begin to have that kind of devotion and availability, you acknowledge that you have been set aside for God’s purposes.
And, I assure you, God will do something wonderful in your life as a result.
Be holy, because I, the Lord your God, am holy. Leviticus 19:1
–by Dr. Ed Young of WinningWalk.org