When a symphony or band warms up, it sounds like chaos.
If they are warming up individually, it sounds like a hodgepodge of people whom you would think don’t know how to play at all and couldn’t make anything sound beautiful. However, under the director’s guidance and leadership, they blend together to make beautiful music.
A symphony is an elaborate composition of a masterpiece, sonata or concerto, blending individual notes and instruments together into a work of art. These musicians practice long, hard hours for the beauty of the blended notes that they make sound so easy to produce.
I have a friend who said that when difficult things happen in your life, you are writing your testimony. You could also say that Jesus is writing a symphony with your life.
He is blending all of the individual elements of your life, good and bad, and turning them into a group of songs that can turn into a beautiful symphony of praise and glory to Him.
Out of the chaos of our lives, He’s writing a symphony. Out of the craziness of the world around us, He’s writing a symphony. In the midst of trying difficulties, He’s writing a symphony.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
–by Pam Rehbein