A speck in a speck in a speck that’s in a speck that’s on a speck … and that’s us.
In today’s Scripture passage, David says that God’s greatness is beyond discovery. As true as this is, it is an understatement. What words can describe a being who is everywhere, everywhen, and everywhy all at one time? Put another way, there is nowhere in time, space, and knowledge that God is not.
Great is the LORD! He is most worthy of praise! His greatness is beyond discovery! Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts. I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles. Your awe inspiring deeds will be on every tongue; I will proclaim your greatness. Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness; they will sing with joy of your righteousness. The LORD is kind and merciful, slow to get angry, full of unfailing love. The LORD is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation. (Psa 145:3-9 NLT)
So, what does God’s greatness look like? Let me try by presenting a scale of what we look like to Him:
This planet, Earth, our home, is a tiny speck in an unfathomably large solar system. Our sun, the star at the heart of our solar system, is a tiny speck of a star in an unfathomably large galaxy. Our galaxy is a relatively small galaxy in an unfathomably large formation of galaxies. And there are trillions of galaxies … that we know of thus far.
Did you know that if our sun was the size of a grain of sand, the diameter of our solar system would be at least a mile? (It’s 18.6 trillion miles in real life) Or that there are roughly one septillion stars in the Universe (one followed by 24 zeros)?
And did you know that there are stars whose diameter is a large as the orbit of Jupiter? Or that while the Milky Way is about 100k light-years in diameter, there are galaxies that are millions of light-years in diameter?
And we are … tiny beyond recognition in the grand scale of just what we can see of the Universe. And yet, for all this, God sees the Universe as we would see a snapshot. He sees past, present, and future as a snapshot–everywhere and everywhen being all present in His present, which is always present.
In consideration of this grand scale, to accept that God knows each of us on this speck of a planet individually down to the genetic level (at least) is beyond our comprehension. And then again, to accept that He sees us as infinite as the Universe itself is, as David rightly said, greatness that is beyond discovery.
The next time you see someone thinking they are “all that” and are a force to be reckoned with, remember that they are only a speck in a speck in a speck that’s in a speck that’s on a speck. That is what we are and all we are outside of God. Little ol’ insignificant us, we are.
But in God, we matter more to Him than we can conceive of in our wildest imagination. We matter so much that He became one of us and died in our place to reconcile us to Himself (Col 1:20, Eph 2:16, and others).
The bottom line here is that we will never be able to comprehend God in this reality, this present limited existence. This is why He gave us faith. By faith, we can accept Him–and know that He accepts us–little ol’ us, insignificant as we are.
The next time in this new year that you begin to overestimate your importance or your significance in the grand scheme of things, consider what God sees. Consider that in His ‘greatness beyond discovery’, He loves us. Hard to imagine, isn’t it?
He loves YOU–little ol’ insignificant you–who He loved so much He died in your place so you could have a relationship with Him. And He has a purpose for each of us that is equally beyond our ability to comprehend. Do all you can do to seek God to understand what He has in His mind for you. Whatever that is will be more than you can have in your mind for you.
From ministry friend Randall Vaughn
(c) 2025 Randall Vaughn • All Rights Reserved • http://www.e-min.org